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Since ‎02-13-2023

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I recently got my dev.env. to work with the latest version of dev_appserver (CLI 470) on Python 3.11 and things are looking pretty good so far. However, I keep getting a warning that says this when I start default encoding of you...
A few days ago was released a new version of Google Cloud CLI (468.0.0) that in the release notes says: * Upgraded dev_appserver from Python 2 to Python 3. ... * Python 2 is no longer supported and should not be needed in your environment. I was very...
As I look into leaving Python2 behind, I try to replace functionality that I have always used in App Engine (mail, memcache, taskqueue, etc) with APIs available in Python3 and using the path of least resistance. I was under the impression that google...
Now that I have my apps running on Python3, but still need Python2 in my dev. env.; I'm looking into how I could develop any new app without using (I believe this is the reason why I still need Python2).I started by trying Cloud Data...
I have several apps running on App Engine using Python 3.9 (Standard Environment) and now that Python 3.12 is supported, I thought of starting to migrate to this new version in the near future.Does anybody know of any incompatibilities or things for ...