Bronze 1
Since ‎09-02-2022
2 weeks ago

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I have a workflow that I want to run nightly. The point of this workflow is to send a GET request to an API and get a massive JSON obj. its around 2500 rows. It would then add those rows to a table.Below is a snippet example of what the API I'm sendi...
I have a series of tables & views, and I have ended up repeating the same select statement in tons of places, which has really slowed down my app. I thought that I could just do the select statement once on a parent table, and then just get the resul...
Hello. I have a form that contains an inline table. Within that table exists several links that open a browser outside of the app to salesforce. The point of these links is to help a user collect information for the form itself.I understand that norm...
Hello, I'm trying to insert a new row into my salesforce table "FeedItem". The goal here is to add a 'chatter' message on a specific salesforce account via a bot. Unfortuantly, I'm not actually able to add the FeedItem table from salesforce, because ...
I am trying to create a grouped action button that will open 3 websites as new tabs. To test this, I created 2 actions:1. "Google" this action executes External: Go To A Website ""2. "Yahoo" this action executes External: Go To ...
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