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Since ‎08-26-2021

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Mobile: You search something in a list view (deck, table...), click to go to the detail view, and can go back maintaining the search state, obviously. This way, searching works like LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() Desktop: You search something in the same type ...
Tried to use Enum basetype Ref inside the Description field for a Calendar view and it shows the ID instead of label. Issue present in both Mobile and Desktop Mode @lizlynch @Arthur_Rallu
As I mentioned in another post, I was not charged in October. @SkrOYC wrote: Now I'm also worried I'm not able to see my invoice for October (another account).Is AppSheet changing the way it deals with payments? Because this is causing a lot of mess ...
It seems like now personal apps that are deployed are not allowing schedule events to be fired, as if the app were not deployed. I know there is a lot of people going against ToS using this kind of scenarios but this is now being an issue for us that...
Enable opt in/out and unsubscribe - AppSheet Help I don't know if I just hadn't the need or what but this section from the docs seems new to me. The issue is that I can't find any config available inside automation that's related to it. Could you poi...

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