Join us on April 17th: Discover new ways to skill up with Google Cloud credentials

Community Manager
Community Manager

showcase your skills april17.png

We're excited to announce the availability of your brand new credential wallet for all of your Google Cloud credentials! The credential wallet will make it easier for you to manage all of your Google Cloud credentials, giving you (and anyone in your network with whom you’d like to share) a single place to view all of your verifiable skills.

Starting April 1st, you’ll be invited to create your Credly account, and begin managing your credentials.

Join us for a digital event on April 17th at 8AM PT to learn how to effectively manage and showcase your hard-earned Google Cloud digital credentials using Credly. During this session you will learn:

  • The value of Google Cloud credentials 
  • How to manage your credential wallet Wallet to highlight your Google Cloud skills and achievements
  • How to share your digital badges across social media (e.g. LinkedIn) and professional networks to boost visibility
  • New ways to discover skills that align to your skilling goals

You’ll also have time for live Q&A, so bring your questions!

Please complete this form to register for the event. Once registered, you'll receive a calendar invite via email. Even if you can't make it live, register and we'll send you a link to the recording. 

Thank you - we hope to see you there!


Thank you for the event. Looking forward to it!

So excited!


Waiting eagerly!!


I hope it would be a great learning event for me. 

Thank you for the event. another 2 days waiting 

thank you. waiting eagerly for the event


Thank you for the heads-up! Will the recording be available to have the flexibility to watch at a different time?

Thank you for the event. Looking forward to it!

thank you

thank you

Bronze 3

thank you

It is very to promote this. But when you follow a course like Cybersecurity and out of nowhere you don't get access to one of the modules anymore and you don't get any support from qwicklabs to support. What is then the point of following a google course, when after countless hours you are not able to finish it and get certified!!!!!! This makes me wonder if the tools and training provided by Google are up to the standards we can expect!!!!


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