GKE and MongoDB Connection

I have a Private Autopilot GKE Cluster where my Application is deployed for connecting with MongoDB Atlas. 
I have made connection using VPC Peering between GCP and MongoDB Atlas. 
Everything is working as expected when we have IP Range in IP Access List of MongoDB Atlas Cluster but as I removed the IP ( Allow from anywhere ) from IP Access list, I'm not able to connected to MongoDB and perform Operations.
Error Message : 



Connection error: No replica set members found yet, Timeout: 5.0s, Topology Description: <TopologyDescription id: 6643035d07595ec427e05bca, topology_type: ReplicaSetNoPrimary, servers: [<ServerDescription ('atpt-devops-shard-00-00-pri.vdfko.mongodb.net', 27017) server_type: Unknown, rtt: None>, <ServerDescription ('atpt-devops-shard-00-01-pri.vdfko.mongodb.net', 27017) server_type: Unknown, rtt: None>, <ServerDescription ('atpt-devops-shard-00-02-pri.vdfko.mongodb.net', 27017) server_type: Unknown, rtt: None>]>



As I have private Cluster and we are doing VPC Peering, why we require IP Range? 

Solved Solved
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The IP range is not strictly required for a private GKE cluster to connect to MongoDB Atlas via VPC peering. 

Possible Reasons for the Error:

  1. Peering Misconfiguration:

    • Double-check your VPC peering configuration. Ensure that:

      • The peered VPCs have the correct routes to each other's CIDR ranges.

      • The necessary firewall rules are in place to allow traffic between the GKE cluster and MongoDB Atlas.

      • You are using the correct private endpoint for MongoDB Atlas.

  2. NAT Gateway:

    • If your GKE cluster is using a NAT gateway for outbound internet access, ensure that its IP address is whitelisted in MongoDB Atlas.

  3. Dynamic IP Addresses:

    • If your GKE nodes have dynamic IP addresses (common in Autopilot mode), the IP addresses used for outbound connections might change. In this case, you have a few options:

      • Whitelist CIDR block: Instead of, whitelist the entire CIDR block of your VPC network.

      • Reserve static IP addresses: Assign static IP addresses to your GKE nodes or use a load balancer with a static IP address for outbound connections.

  4. MongoDB Atlas Configuration:

    • Verify that the MongoDB Atlas connection string and configuration settings in your application are correct.

Why Might Seem Necessary:

  1. Initial Setup:

    • Sometimes, during the initial setup and testing phase, it's easier to allow access from anywhere ( to troubleshoot connectivity issues. Once the connection is established, you can restrict it to more specific IP ranges.

  2. Hidden Dependencies:

    • Your application or other components within your GKE cluster might have dependencies that require outbound internet access, even though the main connection to MongoDB Atlas is via VPC peering.

  3. Kubernetes Network Policies:

    • Kubernetes network policies can affect how traffic flows within your cluster. Review your network policies to ensure they are not blocking the connection to MongoDB Atlas.

Best Practices:

  1. Don't Use Long-Term:

    • Allowing connections from anywhere is a security risk. Aim to restrict access to specific IP ranges as soon as possible.

  2. Least Privilege:

    • Follow the principle of least privilege and grant access only to the necessary IP addresses or CIDR blocks.

  3. Monitor and Review:

    • Regularly monitor your network traffic and review your security settings to ensure that your MongoDB Atlas instance is properly protected.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Check Logs:

    • Review the logs of your GKE cluster and the MongoDB Atlas instance for any error messages or clues about the connection failure.

  2. Test Connectivity:

    • Try to connect to the MongoDB Atlas instance from within a GKE pod using a tool like mongo or mongosh.

  3. Firewall Rules:

    • Review your firewall rules in both Google Cloud and MongoDB Atlas to ensure they are not blocking the connection.

  4. Route Tables:

    • Verify that the route tables in your peered VPCs are configured correctly to route traffic between the GKE cluster and MongoDB Atlas.

If you are still having trouble, provide the following information, and I can assist you further:

  • Your GKE cluster configuration (Autopilot or Standard, network settings, etc.)

  • Relevant firewall rules in Google Cloud and MongoDB Atlas

  • Route table configurations in your peered VPCs

View solution in original post


The IP range is not strictly required for a private GKE cluster to connect to MongoDB Atlas via VPC peering. 

Possible Reasons for the Error:

  1. Peering Misconfiguration:

    • Double-check your VPC peering configuration. Ensure that:

      • The peered VPCs have the correct routes to each other's CIDR ranges.

      • The necessary firewall rules are in place to allow traffic between the GKE cluster and MongoDB Atlas.

      • You are using the correct private endpoint for MongoDB Atlas.

  2. NAT Gateway:

    • If your GKE cluster is using a NAT gateway for outbound internet access, ensure that its IP address is whitelisted in MongoDB Atlas.

  3. Dynamic IP Addresses:

    • If your GKE nodes have dynamic IP addresses (common in Autopilot mode), the IP addresses used for outbound connections might change. In this case, you have a few options:

      • Whitelist CIDR block: Instead of, whitelist the entire CIDR block of your VPC network.

      • Reserve static IP addresses: Assign static IP addresses to your GKE nodes or use a load balancer with a static IP address for outbound connections.

  4. MongoDB Atlas Configuration:

    • Verify that the MongoDB Atlas connection string and configuration settings in your application are correct.

Why Might Seem Necessary:

  1. Initial Setup:

    • Sometimes, during the initial setup and testing phase, it's easier to allow access from anywhere ( to troubleshoot connectivity issues. Once the connection is established, you can restrict it to more specific IP ranges.

  2. Hidden Dependencies:

    • Your application or other components within your GKE cluster might have dependencies that require outbound internet access, even though the main connection to MongoDB Atlas is via VPC peering.

  3. Kubernetes Network Policies:

    • Kubernetes network policies can affect how traffic flows within your cluster. Review your network policies to ensure they are not blocking the connection to MongoDB Atlas.

Best Practices:

  1. Don't Use Long-Term:

    • Allowing connections from anywhere is a security risk. Aim to restrict access to specific IP ranges as soon as possible.

  2. Least Privilege:

    • Follow the principle of least privilege and grant access only to the necessary IP addresses or CIDR blocks.

  3. Monitor and Review:

    • Regularly monitor your network traffic and review your security settings to ensure that your MongoDB Atlas instance is properly protected.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Check Logs:

    • Review the logs of your GKE cluster and the MongoDB Atlas instance for any error messages or clues about the connection failure.

  2. Test Connectivity:

    • Try to connect to the MongoDB Atlas instance from within a GKE pod using a tool like mongo or mongosh.

  3. Firewall Rules:

    • Review your firewall rules in both Google Cloud and MongoDB Atlas to ensure they are not blocking the connection.

  4. Route Tables:

    • Verify that the route tables in your peered VPCs are configured correctly to route traffic between the GKE cluster and MongoDB Atlas.

If you are still having trouble, provide the following information, and I can assist you further:

  • Your GKE cluster configuration (Autopilot or Standard, network settings, etc.)

  • Relevant firewall rules in Google Cloud and MongoDB Atlas

  • Route table configurations in your peered VPCs