
GnuPG is an international community project run by volunteers and not a legal entity. g10code GmbH is the privately owned legal entity behind the GnuPG project. They employ all paid developers and re-invest the majority their profits into the development of GnuPG and related free software. See also this article.

g10 Code GmbH
Bergstr. 3a
D-40699 Erkrath

g10 Code GmbH is registered at Amtsgericht Wuppertal under HRB 14459.
Geschäftsführung: Werner Koch.
VAT-Id: DE215605608.
Phone: +49-2104-173855
Mail: [email protected]

Note that we provide the phone number and mail address only for legal reasons. Please do not call g10code to ask for free support. For paid support see their contact page.

Please see here for the privacy policy.