Antofagasta Minerals

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Antofagasta Minerals

Antofagasta Minerals is one of the top ten copper producers on the planet, providing the raw materials to power electric cars all around the world.

Joining the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship in February 2018 with its sponsorship of the inaugural Santiago E-Prix, from the 2018/19 season, Antofagasta Minerals became our Official Copper Mining partner. With electric cars using up to five times more copper than a combustion engined car, the material is a key component in making electric cars commonplace.

As part of Antofagasta Mineral's commitment to mitigating and adapting to climate change, all of its four mining operations will use 100% renewable energy from 2022 and approximately 90% of water consumption will be either sea or recycled water from 2025.

Its parent company, Antofagasta plc, is the only Chilean company listed on the London Stock Exchange and is part of not only the FTSE-100 but also the FTSE4Good index that considers environmental, social and governance criteria.

To find out more about how Antofagasta Minerals works with Formula E visit their website.