Career opportunities

Who we are

The Secretariat provides analytical, administrative and logistical support to the EDPB, including communications, preparation of documents and organisation of meetings.


What we offer

We offer a friendly working atmosphere, low on bureaucracy, high on autonomy and with very diverse work. We have an ambitious equal opportunities strategy to help you fulfil your potential. Our ambitious Learning and Development Policy will support your career development goals and improve your personal skills.

Although staff at the Secretariat is employed by the EDPS, staff members only work under the instructions of the Chair of the EDPB. As an employee of an EU institution, you benefit from all the opportunities in terms of career, recruitment, promotion, pay and benefits as set out in the Staff Regulations.


How we recruit

The EDPS provides support and organises selections for the EDPB secretariat. If you are interested in working for the EDPB, please check the EDPS site for vacancies:
All recruitment is via specific vacancy notices for the following roles:

  • Officials
    If a vacant position is not filled internally, we publish a vacancy notice in the Inter-institutional Vacancy Notices page, which is accessible from the intranet of all European Institutions.
    The vacancy is open to officials from all European institutions. If candidates fulfil all required qualifications, an inter-institutional transfer is made.
    Since Secretariat staff are covered by the Staff Regulations and benefit from the same mobility policy as staff in the larger EU institutions, you can transfer your grade, step, seniority and all other career elements seamlessly: you lose none of your rights if you work for us.


  • Contract agents
    We occasionally recruit data protection specialists and other administrative staff on fixed-term contracts (“contract agents”).
    For administrative and non-data protection specialists, we recruit contract agents from a pool of applicants (kept on a database), following a selection procedure known as CAST, which is organised by EPSO.
    We also consider spontaneous applications for certain data protection specialists, experts in other fields, or administrative positions.

    Please contact [email protected] if you want more information or would like to make a spontaneous application. If you wish to make an application, please mention that you are applying for a post in the EDPB Secretariat.


  • Secondment programme
    Secondment National experts (SNEs) are sometimes seconded to the Secretariat for a fixed-term from the staff of national public sector bodies in the EU member states.
    SNEs gain valuable experience at EU level, and allow us to benefit from their professional skills and experience.

    When there is an opening for an SNE, we will contact national data protection authorities with a call for applications.
    We also invite national permanent representations to the EU to help us find suitable candidates.

    Candidates may NOT apply directly for this programme, but should do so through their employer, who continues to pay their salary during the secondment.
    Please contact [email protected] for more information.
  • Interim staff
    We occasionally employ staff for a short term of up to six months as the need arises. We do this through temping agencies.
  • Traineeship
    We run a five-month traineeship programme, offering recent university graduates the chance to apply the knowledge acquired during their studies, and to gain practical experience of our day-to-day activities.

    The programme runs twice a year, starting in October and March, and usually hosts two trainees at a time.

    We also accept, under specific and limited criteria, university students and PhD students for short-term, non-remunerated traineeships.

    How to apply?
    Apply via the VBB website
    During your application process you will be able to indicate your 1st choice of place of employment. As the VBB is a European Commission tool, please make sure that you indicate the EDPS as 1st choice and please precise within your application that you have a preference to work for the EDPB Secretariat.

    Please contact [email protected] for more information.