Build a data platform fast,
With BigQuery and beyond

From ingestion to visualization, DoiT’s Data to Insights Accelerator offers experienced cloud architects, knowledge transfer, and resources to develop a production-ready data platform with BigQuery at its core.

Your data platform journey with DoiT

We take you and your team through a structured framework to quickly arrive at a production-ready data platform powered by Google BigQuery and other data services where relevant.

We take you and your team through a structured framework to quickly arrive at a production-ready data platform powered by Google BigQuery and other data services where relevant.



(1-2 hours)

  • Ideation & discovery
  • Scoping the project & outcomes
  • Project resourcing



(6-8 hours)

  • Target Architecture Workshop & Review
  • Training on BigQuery, Dataform, Dataplex, and Looker Studio
  • Accelerated PoC Deployment



(<14 hours)

  • Pre-production architecture review and report
  • Prod-ready documentation, architecture diagrams & IaC assets.
  • Production-ready data platform with built-in Google Cloud best practices

“We have a huge amount of knowledge on our side, but when it came to designing the ideal architecture on Google Cloud, we needed DoiT to help us offer solutions to our challenges. Let’s say we are building a service with Cloud BigTable or BigQuery, DoiT shows us the best practices for building future-proof architectures with them, so we achieve the best performance from them cost-effectively.”

Grzegorz Dlugolecki, Lead Cloud and Kubernetes Engineer,

What can you expect?

While your project will be tailored to your requirements, these are some typical outcomes you can expect.

Validated workload suitability & compatibility with BigQuery

Connecting your needs to what’s possible, we’ll brainstorm solutions with you that are compatible with your existing stack, arriving at a validated idea with target architecture mapped out.

Upskilling through senior cloud architect-led trainings and knowledge transfer

Bridging internal knowledge gaps, DoiT’s Google Cloud Data to Insights Accelerator comes with training on BigQuery and other data services that’ll best suit your use case.

Fast-tracked data platform PoC

Infusing best practice-loaded DoiT Terraform templates with acquired learnings from training sessions, we’ll help you quickly transition your validated ideas into a Proof of Concept (PoC) with BigQuery.

Accelerated time-to-production

Through co-development sessions and more, we’ll help you fine-tune your PoC into a scalable, production-ready workload.

Enablement for Day-2 and beyond

You’ll get production-ready documentation, architecture diagrams, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) assets, enabling your team to self-sufficiently manage the new workload post-implementation.

Ongoing technical guidance and support

Throughout the journey to production-readiness you can tap into senior cloud experts for recommendations and fine-tuning help*.

* Day-2 consulting and support available for customers with a DoiT Cloud Solve subscription

Hear from our customers
Revolutionizing Workplace Search with Generative AI
Discover how Glean uses Kubernetes to scale infinitely and drastically reduce hosting costs
Balancing AI Workloads and Keeping costs in check
Using DoiT’s tools like BigQuery lens and Anomaly Detection helped manage costs, detect anomalies…
Cost savings and data management
Dr. Vivek Bhandari, CTO at Powerledger, highlights their success in environmental trading with DoiT and Google Cloud.

Related resources

In this episode, we go over how to optimize BigQuery for performance and cost, as well as the other services you would use…

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