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Databricks pricing

One simple platform to unify all your data, analytics and AI workloads — across all your preferred clouds

How does Databricks pricing work?

Pay as you go

Databricks offers you a pay-as-you-go approach with no up-front costs. Only pay for the products you use at per second granularity.


Committed-use discounts

Databricks helps you lower your costs with discounts when you commit to certain levels of usage. The larger your usage commitment, the greater your discount compared to pay as you go, and you can use commitments flexibly across multiple clouds. Contact us for details.


The 14-day free trial gives you:

  • A collaborative environment for data teams to build solutions together
  • Interactive notebooks to use Apache SparkTM, SQL, Python, Scala, Delta Lake, MLflow, TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn and more

Please note that you will still be charged by your cloud provider for resources, like compute instances, used within your account during the free trial