Digital Creativity: Culture Reimagined

For the fifth year in a row, the U.S. Copyright Office joined with the Copyright Alliance for a Copyright Matters program in recognition of World Intellectual Property Day. This year’s theme, as announced by the World Intellectual Property Organization, was “Digital Creativity: Culture Reimagined.” The program took place on Tuesday, April 26, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (EDT) in the Mumford Room (6th Floor, James Madison Memorial Building, Library of Congress).

The program featured remarks from Congressman Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, and Keith Kupferschmid, chief executive officer of the Copyright Alliance. The program celebrated creativity as it presents itself in our interconnected digital world. It also highlighted established creators who have mastered their crafts and who have created innovative revenue streams to pay fellow creators fairly. The panelists shared their thoughts about the value of copyright law in our digital world and provided suggestions on “what’s next."

Internationally celebrated on April 26, World Intellectual Property Day marks the date in 1970 when the World Intellectual Property Organization Convention came into force. The anniversary of this occasion is observed as a way of promoting and increasing general understanding of intellectual property.
