Votes in the House and Senate Vote Information

Actions tab links to record floor votes from legislation, nominations, and treaties
EXAMPLES – House bill (look for “Roll no.”); Senate bill (look for “Record Vote Number”)

Congressional Record – All recorded floor votes are published in the Congressional Record.
EXAMPLES – House vote (look for “Roll No.”); Senate vote (look for “Rollcall Vote No.”)

Committee reports – Committee votes are often published in committee reports.
EXAMPLES – House committee vote (look for “VOTES OF THE COMMITTEE”); Senate committee vote (look for “VOTES OF THE COMMITTEE”)

Roll Call Votes by the U.S. Congress – browse report provides links to House and Senate floor votes from the 101st Congress to the present.

House Votes

Clerk of the House website provides information about Roll Call Votes, Consensus Calendar Motions and Discharge Petitions.

Senate Votes

About Votes and the Legislative process

A good basic resource about congressional voting and the legislative process is How Our Laws Are Made. It is a brief explanation of the legislative process in the House written by the House Parliamentarian. For a basic understanding of Senate procedures, consult Enactment of a Law, written by the Senate Parliamentarian.

Other Sources for Recorded Votes from House and Senate

There are a number of print commercial publications that are indispensable in compiling voting records, including: Congressional Quarterly Almanac, Congressional Roll Call, and the Commerce Clearing House’s Congressional Index. These publications are accessible via the Web for the last few Congresses only, but hard copies of the Congressional Record, Congressional Record Index, and the House Calendars, both current and historical, are available in any of the Federal Depository Libraries.