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Titles: H.R.2391 — 108th Congress (2003-2004) All Information (Except Text)

Popular Titles

CREATE Act (Identified by CRS)

Short Titles

Short Titles - House of Representatives

Short Titles as Passed House

Cooperative Research and Technology Enhancement (CREATE) Act of 2004

Short Titles as Reported to House

Cooperative Research and Technology Enhancement (CREATE) Act of 2004

Short Titles as Introduced

Cooperative Research and Technology Enhancement (CREATE) Act of 2003

Short Titles - Senate

Short Titles as Reported to Senate

Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2004

Short Titles as Reported to Senate for portions of this bill
  • Cooperative Research and Technology Enhancement (CREATE) Act of 2004
  • Enhancing Federal Obscenity Reporting and Copyright Enforcement Act of 2004
  • Family Movie Act of 2004
  • National Film Preservation Act of 2004
  • National Film Preservation Foundation Reauthorization Act of 2004
  • Piracy Deterrence and Education Act of 2004
  • Preservation of Orphan Works Act
  • Protecting Intellectual Rights Against Theft and Expropriation Act of 2004

Official Titles

Official Titles - House of Representatives

Official Titles as Amended by House

To amend title 35, United States Code, to promote cooperative research involving universities, the public sector, and private enterprises.

Official Title as Introduced

To amend title 35, United States Code, to promote research among universities, the public sector, and private enterprise.