1:1 customer engagement
that actually scales

Win back customers. Drive repeat orders. Supercharge support.

Book a demo
10% +

conversion rates

70% +

reduction in CAC

90% +

customer satisfaction scores

Helping ecommerce brands grow

Hit your revenue goals despite constraints

Increasing competition, declining ROAS, and stricter sender guidelines make it tough to achieve your targets with one-to-many tactics. Adapt your strategy with one-to-one outreach to hit your goals.

10x conversion rates

Our one-to-one emails consistently surpass 10% conversion rates. That’s 10x the typical conversion rate of even top-performing one-to-many campaigns.

Reduce acquisition costs

Convert contacts you already paid to acquire into paying customers. This helps maximize your marketing efficiency across channels and tactics.

Win back lapsed customers

Based on customer history, our platform identifies those most likely to make another purchase. One-to-one outreach keeps these VIPs coming back for more.

10x conversion rates

Our one-to-one emails consistently surpass 10% conversion rates. That’s 10x the typical conversion rate of even top-performing one-to-many campaigns.

Reduce acquisition costs

Convert contacts you already paid to acquire into paying customers. This helps maximize your marketing efficiency across channels and tactics.

Win back lapsed customers

Based on customer history, our platform identifies those most likely to make another purchase. One-to-one outreach keeps these VIPs coming back for more.

Scale you.

Founders and marketers who have built brands largely through their own voice know the power of connecting directly with customers. And while that may have launched your success, the workload quickly becomes unsustainable.

We engage every customer the way you would yourself — if only you had the time.

Chatdesk scales:

  • 1

    Your point of view

  • 2

    Your voice

  • 3

    Your standards

Not another tool.

The Chatdesk platform connects with your existing ecommerce and customer engagement tools to learn from your past conversations and orders.

Let's prove it with a pilot

Realize the value of 1:1 customer conversations
right away with a free two-week pilot.

Let's prove it