Expel the Israeli Ambassador from the United Kingdom

Expel the Israeli Ambassador from the United Kingdom

14 December 2023
Petition to
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and
Signatures: 135,688Next Goal: 150,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Dr Asim Suleman

Update 15/04/24

Hi All, 

Thank you for your continuing support for the people of Palestine / Gaza.  Together we have shown we can make a difference. The events over the last couple of months have demonstrated the utter disregard the Israeli government has for the people of Gaza.  

There has been a man-made famine and starvation is widespread. There is a humanitarian disaster unfolding in front of our eyes and screens.   Humanitarian aid has started to increase only after the death of the humanitarians from the World Central Kitchen team.    It took the death of non Palestinians for the Western Governments to wake up. 

We must continue to put pressure on the government, politicians, local leaders and the media. Supporting the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) is one example. This organization is dedicated to campaigning against the violence in Gaza and upholds the belief that Palestinians are entitled to peace, security, and self-determination.

They have held protests every week for the past 5 months outside or close to the Ambassadors residence.  Please join them and support their campaign.  

It is time to expel the Israeli Ambassador. 

Update 5th Jan. The Ambassador is now using openly genocidal language and is advocating for a genocidal act to take place (see LBC interview 3rd Jan 24). The Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank continues.

Israel has been referred to the ICJ for its genocidal actions.  

Original petition statement late Dec 23.

I am deeply concerned about the potential radicalisation of our UK population due to the presence and influence of the current Israeli Ambassador. As a citizen who values peace, unity, and respect for all, I find it alarming that an ambassador could potentially incite division and extremism within our society. 

The role of an ambassador is to foster good relations between countries, promote mutual understanding, and work towards peaceful coexistence. However, when their presence becomes a source of discord rather than harmony, it's time to reassess their position.

This petition is not against Israel or its people but against actions that could potentially harm our society's fabric. We urge the UK government to consider this matter seriously for maintaining peace within our borders.

Please join me in calling on our government to expel the Israeli Ambassador from the United Kingdom. Sign this petition today!

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Signatures: 135,688Next Goal: 150,000
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