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ICT Support

ICT services are essential for your organization to run effectively, managing them isn’t your core business. This is where Bluesky steps in to provide ICT support services. Rather than spending time and money to manage your ICT/Network environment, it makes sense to be able to invest in what is more important to your organization. That’s how you’re able to be most productive, cost-effective and competitive. So getting specialist knowledge and help to manage and support your ICT/Network services makes sense.

Managed Services

We look after your business!

Cloud Services

Transition to Bluesky’s Cloud!

Bluesky Hosted Cloud delivers computing, network and storage resources,
which are located in our secure data centers and can be accessed via our
Private Network. While benefiting from a lower cost of ownership, you can
keep your data safe and your applications performing at their best.

Disaster Recrovery

Do you have a plan so that you are covered when disaster strikes?

Disaster recovery focuses on restoring IT systems critical to supporting business functions. Our disaster recovery specialists can review your environment and propose a mix of resiliency tools that can help you achieve your recovery targets – all within your budget.

Vehicle Tracking

Track your vehicle and your whole fleet anytime, anywhere!

• Reduce your operations cost
• Increase Productivity
• Save on gas costs
• Improve your customer relations
• Compliance with programmed routes


Bluesky provides hosted PBX solution that enables businesses to have a full PBX system without the need to invest upfront in hardware/software. This is provided as a fully managed service by Bluesky and removes the administrative overhead that is usually associated with traditional setups.

Network & Cyber Security

The network and cyber security option uses an on-site firewall solution to deliver services such as bandwidth control, content filtering, Virtual Private Network (VPN) services, Reporting, Antivirus and Intrusion Prevention. It also helps manage the level and type of access clients want for their staff to prevent them from accessing sites deemed inappropriate.

Contact Us
  • Supported by a team of highly trained engineers
  • Dedicate your internet and network resources to the right areas in your business.
  • Protect yourself against the ever evolving threats on the internet.



Supported by a team of highly skilled and dedicated engineers with years of experience in the technical industry.


Cost effective solutions to suit any type or size of business


Minimize downtime and increase productivity in the this digital age without the need for major investment or hiring a technical team.