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STOPDecrypter Download

License: Free
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/Windows 10
32-bit program. Can run on both a 32-bit and 64-bit OS.
Downloads: 169,882
Last Updated: 10/21/19 02:35:52 PM EDT

BleepingComputer Review:

STOPDecrypter is a ransomware decryptor created by Michael Gillespie that decrypts files encrypted by the STOP Ransomware. Using this decryptor, victims who have paid the ransom or were encrypted by an offline key can recover their files for free without having to pay a ransom.

More information and support for the STOP Ransomware can be found at this url: STOP Ransomware Help & Support Topic.

This decryptor supports the following offline extensions for encrypted files:

STOP, .SUSPENDED, .WAITING, .PAUSA, .CONTACTUS, .DATASTOP, .STOPDATA, .KEYPASS, .WHY, .SAVEfiles, .DATAWAIT, .INFOWAIT, .puma, .pumax, .pumas, .shadow, .djvu, .djvuu, .udjvu, .djvuq, .uudjvu, .djvus, .djvur, .djvut.pdff, .tro, .tfude, .tfudeq, .tfudet, .rumba, .adobe, .adobee, .blower, .promos, .promoz, .promock, .promoks, .promorad, .promorad2, .kroput, .kroput1, .charck, .pulsar1, .klope, .kropun, .charcl, .doples, .luces, .luceq, .chech, .proden, .drume, .tronas, .trosak, .grovas, .grovat, .roland, .refols, .raldug, .etols, .guvara, .browec, .norvas, .moresa, .verasto, .hrosas, .kiratos, .todarius, .hofos, .roldat, .dutan, .sarut, .fedasot, .forasom, .berost, .fordan, .codnat, .codnat1, .bufas, .dotmap, .radman, .ferosas, .rectot, .skymap, .mogera, .rezuc, .stone, .redmat, .lanset, .davda, .poret, .pidon, .heroset, .myskle, .boston, .muslat, .gerosan, , vesad, .horon, .neras, .truke, .dalle, .lotep, .nusar, .litar, .besub, .cezor, .lokas, .godes, .budak, .vusad, .herad, .berosuce, .gehad, .gusau, .madek, .tocue, .darus, .lapoi, .todar, .dodoc, .bopador, .novasof, .ntuseg, .ndarod, .access, .format, .nelasod, .mogranos, .cosakos, .nvetud, .lotej, .kovasoh, prandel, .zatrov, .masok, .brusaf, londec, .krusop, .mtogas, .coharos, .nasoh, .nacro, .pedro, .nuksus, .vesrato, .masodas, .stare, .cetori, .carote, .shariz, .gero, .hese, .geno, .seto, .peta, .moka, .meds, .kvagor.domn

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