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A focus on impact

We strengthen the health, education, and safety of our country, and we settle for nothing less than a lasting impact on American life. Here's how we do it.

Stories of Impact


Bridget is a determined little girl who loves learning, music and her family. She also has autism.
February 27, 2020

Rich & Carlos

Rich and Carlos came from different backgrounds, but the California wildfires brought them together.
February 27, 2020


Carissa is a role model for her son and her community, but she didn’t always feel that way.
February 27, 2020

How a campaign comes to life

Our rigorous, research-based approach produces powerful campaigns that make a measurable difference in people’s lives. We do this through six key steps:


We perform a comprehensive literature review of all relevant research and prior communications programs before assessing the current landscape.


We interview top issue experts and utilize social listening tools to gather key insights on the cultural conversation and audience sentiment across all relevant platforms.


We conduct custom qualitative research with our target audience to build actionable insights.


We use surveys to test initial hypotheses and messaging approaches and gather channel-specific insights from media planning tools.


We use agile learning tools, UI/UX testing and rapid testing to gain immediate feedback, ensuring our message is optimized for our target audience.


Our goal, always, is to reach the right audience at the right time with the right message that will empower people to create lasting change.

How We Measure Impact

Once the campaign has launched, our work has just begun. We focus on four key metrics to gauge what’s working and identify opportunities to increase awareness and engagement.

Case Studies

Love Has No Labels

This iconic campaign has unified the nation, proving there's an appetite for content that brings us together. For one activation, the team at R/GA worked with us to transform the traditional sports stadium kiss cam to the “Fans of Love” cam, we showcased love in all its forms: friends, families, and relationships across race, age, religion, sexual orientation, and ability.
85% of Americans consider themselves to be unprejudiced.
85% of Americans consider themselves to be unprejudiced.

Lung Cancer Screening

Created with Hill Holliday, the Saved by the Scan campaign has significantly increased awareness about the potentially life-saving lung cancer screening.
If each of the 8M Americans at high risk were screened, about 25,000 lives would be saved by the scan.
If each of the 8M Americans at high risk were screened, about 25,000 lives would be saved by the scan.


Together we can do so much. Let’s talk about how we can partner to help change the world.