skysometric asked:

Speaking of embeds, it's nice getting to embed Twitch clips in posts! But the clip doesn't show up at all on mobile, and there's not even a blank space or anything implying that there's an embedded video. If somebody embeds a clip with a caption on desktop, then on mobile it just looks like a text post of the caption. It's confusing!

Twitch livestream embeds show a link card on mobile as a fallback – any chance this could work for Twitch clips as well? Ideally I would love to see clips properly play on mobile, but I understand y'all are stretched pretty thin! Just something showing that there's more content in the post would make it a more consistent experience.

Answer: Hey there, @skysometric.

This sounded like a bug to us. It shouldn’t actually be skipped, and there should have been a link card showing instead, like you say here. 

We looked into it and, lo and behold, our hypothesis was right. Fortunately we got to work promptly and fixed this bug and everything should be working spick and span, as was mentioned in our recent @changes update. And there should now actually be a video embed now, not a link card. We hope this comes as good news!

Thanks for your question, and have a lovely day.