Here to Monologue (Posts tagged wthay)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

So out of general curiosity what would you all prefer I worked on more:

1. More Synovus

2. A new short story about a monster Hunter and the monster she spared

3. An interactive novel about a murder in an observatory in a new gas lamp setting

Vote now on your phones!


Remember how I said I’d work on all three.

  1. Siren Call (1) is now available

2. Who the Hell Are You?(1) is now available

3. I’d share this but all I have actually done is the damn character creator. Can confirm, however, three love interests, each of which (and player character) can be set to male, female, or nonbinary. An in-universe zodiac for all the astrologer nerds. I bought a tarot deck to do research for writing some of it. I’m basing one of the side characters loosely off of my grandmother.

A better synopsis than I have previously provided:

You are a guest at the Olara observatory, far from the rest of your country’s civilization. The owner, Robin Olara, has invited you and several other exclusive guests to celebrate the observatory’s reopening, and the declaration of who will inherit the building - and with it, the massive tract of land and accompanying fortune. At dinner, Olara announces the heir: his dearest star.

As everyone attempts to begin to try and determine what’s meant by that, another wrench enters the works: Olara himself is found dead. Everyone here stood to gain, and each guest has their own history with him. You’re all stuck here for the rest of the week until an investigation can be held anyway. Can you find the killer or the heir before more guests become casualties?

And what on earth are you going to do if they’re the same person?

synovus synoverse WtHay My Dearest Star

Writing Prompt


After an attempt on their life, a monster hunter calls in a favor from a monster they let live.

Tag your responses with #wordsnstuff // Ko-Fi


Who the Hell Are You? (1)

Navi took a deep breath, aimed the stick at the button, and leaned into it as hard as she could.

Which was. Pretty hard considering this was an all-or-nothing scenario, she didn’t really have a lot of balance normally, and being down a few units-of-varying-sizes of blood wasn’t helping. But hopefully, ideally, ringing the absolute crap out of this doorbell would work.

The stick snapped in half. Navi barely caught herself before falling after it, and then had to give that up to yank herself backwards instead of touching the heavily warded house. That would definitely have knocked her unconscious in this state. She wanted to die somewhere with slightly more dignity than a doorstep.

The door opened. Navi grinned at the man who stood just inside it, resolutely ignoring the trickle of blood from where the cut on her forehead had opened up again. “Hellooo-“ she started to croon.

The door closed.

“Aw come on.” Navi groaned. “Let me in or I’ll pitch myself into your wards and coat your door in my blood.”

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WtHAY writing prompt Is that the acronym I'm going with or do I want to use WHAY instead fuck it figure it out next time vote now on your phones And thank you for the tag to complete this prompt! I don't think this is necessarily 'complete' but I have learned some of my lesson about dropping a whole-ass mini novella in the reblogs This'll be on Ao3 later wordsnstuff

Pincushion Post

With my one-off dabble in posting fictional works expanding, it’s probably good to be organized.

Whomever you are, welcome! Most of this blog is just me aggregating content I enjoy. However, I also write things, on occasion. To cut through the nonsense and memes (which, I mean, I enjoy) you can find quick links and brief explanations here.


This one began with a response to one of Writing-prompt-s’s writing prompts, which I have since titled ‘Call Me Menace.’ Written in second person, you are Synovus, a villain of significant renown. You’ve kidnapped your rivals’ child… and you may be the best parent they’ve ever had.

'Call Me Menace’ is here on Tumblr and here on Ao3, if you prefer the formatting over there.

The sequel, 'Villains Never Retire,’ was planned to be a two-parter once it got long, and is now going to be at least three actually four parts. You can find all of it on Ao3 here.

Otherwise, Villains Never Retire (1) and Villains Never Retire (2) , Villains Never Retire (3) and Villains Never Retire (4) are here on Tumblr!

In progress: Siren Call (1) is a third person expansion, taking place after VNR, and following Minerva as she navigates the fallout. Part two is here, and Part Three is here to wrap up the chapter! Ao3 listing as per tradition.

Synovus: A Wishing Star. A terminally ill child wishes to meet Synovus - for reasons Synovus doesn’t anticipate. Heed its warnings. Prequel to 'Call Me Menace.’ Here on Ao3

Additionally, you can search the tag #synoverse on my blog for any asks I’ve answered about the universe, commentary, or the occasional sneak peek at the next installment.

Who the Hell Are You?:

Starting with a tagged prompt from writing-stuff, WtHAY is written in third person! Join a huntress of things that go bump in the night and her forcibly deputized changeling ally as they seek revenge for an attack on Navi’s life - as soon as she can get up off of this couch.

Part one Here on Tumblr, and here on Ao3!

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