Here to Monologue (Posts tagged submission)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

After loosing a whole lot of stuff on my laptop, finding this piece, getting shut out of my old tumblr because the smartphone I was logged in at died and I couldn’t get the account back for some reason… I finally can send you this artwork that I started… when the original Synovus story got it’s second chapter??? Wow that was a while ago. Anyway, enjoy.


I love it! I’m so glad you shared it, despite the capricious whims of the universe and the troubles they’ve brought you!

Particularly the portrayal of their abilities, and the mix of loose clothing and armored plating!

submission synovus fanart synoverse synoverse fanart

Some Prompts Sent by an Anon

Before I put in the links, I just wanted to say thank you for encouraging me to send in more than one prompt. I didn’t want to overwhelm you, so I’m grateful that you said that I can send them all.

With that out of the way, here are the links:

You might notice I have a…preference…after you read these.

Also, have two bonus prompts. You don’t have to do these, I just thought they were neat lol

I have a lot more prompts I’m interested, but I don’t really want to overwhelm you, so…yeah.

Have fun with these!


Thank you! I’m definitely bundling these together - not all of them, but several. One, I’ve technically already touched on before.

Proof the work has begun!

submission ask box prompts Beetle synoverse I’m just saying you guys should maybe go read the bit in Villains Never Retire where the groupchat is introduced again and while I am not drafting straight to a tumblr draft (I have too many and it’s annoying to scroll to get to the ones I want to work on) I am still writing this on my phone at 4 in the morning