Too Many AUs: A Memoir

1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

ok. pinned post time


hi! i’m puddle or if you know me you can call me by names that i have. like in general. i write a lot and i draw… less a lot but i do that.


current main interest: ensemble stars!!

i have a lot of ideas for stuff and AUs that i talk about sometimes, all my original posts are tagged as #puddle talks

my ao3

other interests include bungou stray dogs, genshin impact (coughs. this one barely counts), arknights (new one but oh boy), and im watching soul eater, hxh, milgram, and fairy tail!


please send me asks i love asks

other tags:

#puddle writes

#puddle arts

#puddles swapstars au

#puddles enstars > bsd au

#puddles shuffle units

#puddle answers (for answering asks!)

Pinned Post puddle talks

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