• Where can I watch ____ ?

      We are sorry, but we don’t provide download or online links to watch period dramas. We will delete any asks requesting them without answering. We hope you understand!

    • Why didn’t you reblog my edit?

      Please, make sure that you use one of the tags we’re tracking within first twenty tags in your edit, otherwise, Tumblr won’t pick it up, and it won’t appear in the tag, making it harder for us to find it. Also, keep in mind, that we don’t reblog the edits directly to our blog, but instead we queue them, so it’s possible you’ll have to wait a week or two before seeing it in the blog. Bear in mind that while we try very hard to post every edit in the tag, we might sometimes skip things because they’re from a show or movie that has a lot of coverage and we don’t want to overwhelm our followers - but this will be the exception to the rule. We don’t reblog edits made from screeners or leaked footage. We don’t reblog stolen edits and reposts.

    • Can you explain how do your tags work?

      Please, take a look at this short guide about the tags used in the blog :) For more detail about the tags specific to the timeframe of the edit, check this.

    • Why didn’t you answer my question?

      We are sorry, it’s possible that your ask had been lost. It’s also possible that we didn’t get the chance to answer it yet. If you don’t get an answer in a week, please, do feel free to send it again.

    • [insert something easily found via google]

      We are really sorry, but if the answer for your question can be easily found via Google (ex. What does it mean “regency era”?), we’re going to delete it without answering.

    • Can you tag trigger warnings for me?

      Of course. We have some (for gore, horror, suicide, blood and smoking), but if you need any other, please contact us.

    • Do you take requests?

      Not at the moment.

    • Can you post more of ____ ?

      Of course! Just contact us. (But please keep in mind that for some period dramas there are very few edits on tumblr and it can be hard to find them.)

    • To what year do you consider a movie or a show to be a period drama?

      Anything set before 1989.

    • Do you consider _____ a period drama?

      We don’t consider ourselves authorities to judge this, and we don’t pretend to tell anyone what to do :) We have, however, two requisites a period drama should fulfill in order to be posted in our blog: it has to be set in our world (meaning that fantasy shows and movies with a clear inspiration in medieval history but taking place in a different world won’t be reblogged; examples such as Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings), and it has to be set in the past (meaning that shows and movies only pretending to be set in the past and just recreating said past won’t be reblogged; examples such as Westworld or Austenland).
      We would, however, post what we call “unconventional period dramas”, that is ones that mix elements of fantasy and history (examples like Stardust) or without a clear time period or setting (examples such as Galavant and The Princess Bride) as long as they’re implied to take place in our world. However, we will only post these occasionally, and with the tag #fantasy, so people can blacklist it if they wish to.
      We also decided not to post superheroes shows and movies set in the past, even if they technically fit the criteria of our rules.

      Keep in mind these are just our requisites for this blog, and that some other people might think otherwise :)

    • Can you recommend me a period drama?

      Yes, of course, please send us a message, and we will try our best to recommend you some things we hope you’ll like! Please, consider taking a look to our recommendations faq and our recs tag before you do, in case we have already offered some recommendations along the lines of what you had in mind :)

    • Can I become an affiliate of the blog?

      Of course! If you run a blog dedicated to period dramas (or one author, show, etc.), please, get in contact with us.