Create Candidate Account

Login: *
  Must be alphanumeric characters and NOT an email address. If you have ever used Webassessor before, your login for Google Cloud exams must be unique
Password: The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one digit, and one special character: !@#$£%^&*()[]{} (e.g., "johnSmith6$")
Re-Enter Password
Legal First Name
This must match your official identification documents.
When taking an exam, you must present a government issued ID. Your name must match exactly (characters included) with your name as specified below. Additionally, all identification must be current. Expired identification will not be accepted.
Legal Last Name (if no last name enter a period ".")
This must match your official identification documents. If no legal last name, please enter a period (.) in the last name field.
Email Address: *
Primary Phone:
Address Line 1: *
Address Line 2:
City: *
Province/State: *
Postal Code: *
Country: *
Client Specific Fields:
Date of Birth *
You must be 18 years or older to register for a Google Cloud exam.
I confirm I am 18 years or older. *
I confirm I am 18 years or older.
Organization (Employer or School) *
Primary Relationship to Google *
Recovery Email *
Marketing Opt-in - Send me offers, updates and useful tips for getting the most out of Google Cloud training and certification products and services. *
Organization Email (an email associated with your current organization) *
What name would you like to appear in your certificate? *

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