Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 2012-01-01

These terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern your use of our website and/or any iOS apps developed by iGRASS PTY LTD Australia ABN: 38124023810 (WebArtisan Apps) (“App(s)”), collectively referred to as the “Service(s)”. Please read these Terms carefully before accessing or using our Services. By accessing or using the Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms, you may not use our Services.

  1. Account Creation and Usage

1.1 Age Restrictions: By creating an account and using our Services, you represent that you are at least 13 years old or have obtained parental consent to use the Services (Note: None of our iOS apps and/or services currently require an account).

1.2 Account Information: You are responsible for providing accurate and complete information when creating an account. You agree to keep your account information up to date.(Note: None of our iOS apps and/or services currently require an account).

1.3 Account Security: You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account login credentials. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use or suspected security breach of your account.(Note: None of our iOS apps and/or services currently require an account).

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

2.1 Ownership: The Services and all related materials, including but not limited to software, graphics, designs, logos, trademarks, and content, are the property of iGRASS PTY LTD and its licensors. These materials are protected by intellectual property laws and are only for your personal, non-commercial use.

2.2 License: Subject to these Terms, iGRASS PTY LTD grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use the Services and any Apps solely for personal, non-commercial purposes.

2.3 Restrictions: You may not modify, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, perform, publish, license, create derivative works from, or sell any part of the Services or Apps without prior written permission from iGRASS PTY LTD.

  1. User Content

3.1 User Responsibilities: You are solely responsible for any content you submit, post, or share on the Services (“User Content”). You affirm that you have all necessary rights to the User Content and that it complies with applicable laws and these Terms.

3.2 License: By submitting User Content, you grant iGRASS PTY LTD] a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sub licensable, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the User Content in connection with the Services. (Note: None of our iOS apps and/or services currently have user content upload options)

3.3 Prohibited Content: You may not submit User Content that is illegal, infringing, harmful, defamatory, obscene, or violates the rights of others. iGRASS PTY LTD reserves the right to remove any User Content that violates these Terms. (Note: None of our iOS apps and/or services currently have user content upload options)

  1. Privacy

4.1 Privacy Policy: Your privacy is important to us. Please review our Privacy Policy below to understand how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information.

4.2 Data Collection: By using our Services, you consent to the collection, use, and processing of your data as described in our Privacy Policy.

  1. Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability

5.1 No Warranty: The Services and Apps are provided on an “as-is” and “as available” basis. iGRASS PTY LTD does not warrant that the Services or Apps will be error-free, uninterrupted, or free from viruses or other harmful components.

5.2 Limitation of Liability: iGRASS PTY LTD shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages arising out of or in connection with your use of the Services or Apps.

  1. Termination

6.1 Termination by iGRASS PTY LTD: iGRASS PTY LTD reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Services or Apps at any time for any reason without prior notice.

6.2 Termination by You: You may terminate your account at any time by contacting us or using the account termination feature, if available.

  1. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

7.1 Governing Law: These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of laws principles.

7.2 Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms or the Services shall be resolved through binding arbitration, conducted by a mutually agreed-upon arbitrator.

  1. Modifications to the Terms

8.1 Modifications: iGRASS PTY LTD reserves the right to modify or update these Terms at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to review the most current version of the Terms regularly.

8.2 Notification: We may notify you of changes to the Terms by posting a notice on the website or within the Apps, or by sending you an email or other communication.

By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and any modifications thereto.

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact us at [email protected].

Last updated: 2023-12-27


At iGRASS PTY LTD, we are committed to protecting your privacy and safeguarding your personal information.

This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and manage your personal data when you visit our website or use our iOS app (collectively referred to as “Services”).

  • Information Collection | Specific Apps

1.1 App Specific Privacy Policy | “Face The Music”

Our iOS App Store app, entitled ‘Face The Music,’ utilises facial data (simplistic facial expressions, such as smiling, mouth open, closed etc) solely for deciding which musical note and/or sound effect to trigger for music loop creation within the app. We do not save, or transmit any facial data to any third parties.

In compliance with the App Store guidelines, we are committed to providing clear and comprehensive information to users regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of user or device data. Our application utilises Apple’s TrueDepth API to generate music based on facial data (simplistic facial expressions); however, it’s crucial to note that we neither store nor transmit any facial data to third parties. The collected data is exclusively used within the confines of the application to allow it to function as intended. We take extensive measures to safeguard this data against unauthorised access or disclosure. Should a user decide to withdraw or revoke consent for the collection, use, or disclosure of their device or user data, we promptly cease all related activities (i.e. The user can initiate app deletion or discontinue use at any time). Our policy outlines our commitment to transparency and the protection of user privacy.

In addition, Microphone/Video access is possible within the app (with user consent) to capture video samples with microphone audio (via the front facing camera), that are recorded, saved and played back to the user during music loop creations. We temporarily save these video samples securely within the app for playback purposes only. We never transmit any of these video files to third parties. All temporarily recorded video files are deleted at the next run of the app.

In summary, this app does not collect or transmit any user data (including facial information) or data of any other kind.

  • Information Collection | All other apps (that exclude 1.x above)

In general, our company does not specifically collect data of any kind. Some apps however do use third party integrations (such as Google Ads). This third party may collect certain information from you when you interact with our Services, generally to capture usage information. The types of information we may collect include:

2.1. Personal Information: This may include your name, email address, postal address, phone number, and any other information you voluntarily provide to us. (Note: None of our iOS apps and/or services currently collect any personal information).

2.2. Usage Data: We may collect non-personal information about how you interact with our Services. This may include your IP address, device type, browser type, operating system, and other anonymous usage data.

2.3. Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We may use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to collect information about your browsing behavior and preferences. These technologies help us personalize your experience and improve the functionality of our Services.

  • Information Use

We use the collected information for various purposes, including:

3.1. Providing and Improving our Services: We use your information to deliver the Services you requested, respond to your inquiries, and enhance the user experience. (Note: None of our iOS apps and/or services currently collect any personal information).

3.2. Personalization: We may use your information to customize and personalize your experience with our Services, such as tailoring content or recommendations based on your preferences.

3.3. Analytics: We may analyze and aggregate data to gain insights into how our Services are used, improve our offerings, and develop new features.

3.4. Communication: We may use your information to communicate with you, such as responding to your inquiries, sending updates about our Services, or delivering promotional materials. You can opt out of receiving promotional emails at any time.

  • Information Sharing

We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. However, we may share your information under certain circumstances, including:

4.1. Service Providers: We may engage trusted third-party service providers to perform various functions on our behalf, such as hosting, data analysis, customer support, and marketing. These service providers are bound by confidentiality obligations and are prohibited from using your information for any other purpose.

4.2. Legal Compliance: We may disclose your information if required by law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request.

4.3. Business Transfers: In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of our assets, your information may be transferred to the acquiring entity.

  • Data Security

We implement reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. However, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure, and we cannot guarantee absolute security.

  • Third-Party Links and Services

Our Services may contain links to third-party websites or services that are not operated or controlled by us. This privacy policy does not apply to such third-party websites or services (such as advertising). We encourage you to review the privacy policies of those third parties before providing any personal information.

  • Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If you are a parent or guardian and believe your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us, and we will take steps to delete that information from our systems.

  • Your Choices and Rights

You have certain rights regarding your personal information, including the right to access, correct, update, or delete your information. If you would like to exercise these rights or have any questions about our privacy practices, please contact us using the information provided at the end of this policy.

  • Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update or modify this privacy policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy on our website or updating the app. We encourage you to review this policy periodically for any updates.

Last updated: 2023-12-27

  • Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices or this policy, please contact us at:


[email protected]

By using our Services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this privacy policy and agree to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information as described herein.