
Internet Archive encourages developers to add media to as well as to consume and repurpose metadata and media.

We are gathering some existing documentation on this page to help you interact with us more efficiently, but this is definitely a work in progress.  If you have feedback, please email us at [email protected].

You may also want to see  community-maintained API information for

Overview of how items are structured

Downloading & Use
Downloading in bulk using wget
Embedding video
Embedding audio

Uploading via our S3-like API
Presetting metadata with the HTML5 Uploader

Metadata read and write APIs

Search & Discovery
Search API to return JSON, RSS, XML, CSV
RSS feeds

Wayback Machine
Wayback Machine Availability API

Book reader
Using URLs to refer to book pages
Bookserver for discovery of epubs
Open Library developer docs

Python wrapper for working with various APIs
Media derivatives for uploaded items

14 thoughts on “Developers

  1. John Hauser

    thanks for pulling these posts together in a single page!

    this one link can replace 7 or 8 that i’ve squirreled away and then have to retrieve when helping someone get up to speed on the magic that happens “behind the curtain” at the Archive.

  2. Ormond Otvos

    The free wifi backbone seems to be broken, from about last Thursday. No response from headquarters.


    My english is not so good , but I try to study and improve it, while, should you tell me if there are some spanish books? I want congratulate you for so good page.

    1. internetarchive Post author

      If an item has DjVu files you can find them by clicking the “SHOW ALL” link in the “DOWNLOAD OPTIONS” area

  4. Paul Ortiz

    This is a great resource for teaching. Thank you for assembling this media. Unfortunately after trying to download a Newsreel Clip the media does not appear in my download file. Not sure why this is occurring.


  5. Margo Burns

    Can you explain to me how an Ontario, Canada document on a human rights trail which is not public can be posted onto this site? The posting of this private information has caused employment issue for me and I wish to have this document removed from your system. In addition I wish to know how such a document could possible be posted to an American System when the subjects involved are Canadians. The web address is below where this document is located.

    I have searched your site to determine the proper process to have this document removed but I have been unsuccessful. I would be therefore be grateful for additional information regarding this before I expand further with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunial as to how this document was released and then ended up on your server.

  6. Barb Ruckdaschel

    Absolutely Dorina. Vigilance should be our watch word in the digital age. Imagine 24.5million online fraud last year alone, which is frightening. We should not be caught up at all. Many thanks for visiting our site.s All the best to you always.

  7. MeditateOrDie


    With recent changes to web site history display eg:*/*
    can the select box to choose the number of results per page be
    returned and if possible, also allow for a custom value up to
    the total number of results please, which often comes in handy.
    I previously did this by editing the select field values in developer mode.

    btw: Great work everyone, the site seems much smoother and no-longer crashes or freezes in IE11 on pages with a very large number of results so far. – Thanks

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