Midori Browser
is a lightweight, fast, free &
open-source web browser





about us.

Midori is a web browser that was born on December 16, 2007 under the leadership of Christian Dywan with the purpose of being an alternative, light, fast, free and open source browser. Developed using WebKit, GTK and rewritten in Vala. For Midori privacy has been a very important point since its birth for this reason we use DuckDuckGo to ensure better privacy towards users.

In 2019, the Midori Browser project merged with the Astian Foundation to take development to new horizons, always respecting the pillars of the project.


We work daily to provide users with the best features.
Private Browsing

We have developed a totally anonymous and secure private navigation, bacause anonimity is one our objectives more important.

Clean Interface

The ease of use for any type of user is crucial and important to make navigating a simple task. We are the alternative for you!.


Webkit is the web engine that is free, fast, open source and compatible with many web standards, innovative with great community


We promote the use and development of free and open source WebApps we have tools to make life easier for developers. Join Up!!!



Participates and contributes to the project in many ways without having programming knowledge

Promote Midori with your family friends and coworkers on social networks, click to follow us on twitter


You can participate as a tester trying, searching and reporting incidents in the code repository gitlab


Your donations are important for the support of the developers and the project. Click here to donate and help,


You can help other people in the community to solve their doubts, problems and issues in the forum.


Cups of Coffe






Members Community


Neve in detail

We understand your requirements and let you customize Neve however you wish:

Super fast

Neve loads in less than a second, leaving you space to add additional plugins to your site and make it 100% yours.


Optimized for mobile

Neve adapts to any device and always delivers a great user experience. It’s also optimized for AMP, helping you remain on Google’s good side.


Minimalist design

The base design of the theme is minimalist, which leaves you room to add some visual flair via plugins or page builders.



The source code used in Neve is structured in a way that Google understands and appreciates, thus helping your site rank. It’s also compatible with your favorite SEO plugins.



What they say about us

MidoriMake Tech Easier

” … fast … “


” … snappier … “

Midori Vs. EpiphanyTech Drive-In

” Midori is lightning fast “

” Midori’s secret weapon is that it’s based on WebKit. “


” … Midori is great … “



How Do start?

Press the button and enjoy!!!


Our Blog

Find out about our news
Lorem Ipsum
Another month ends with a release of everyone’s favorite lightweight web browser. Midori 7 is in many ways a stabilizing release. If you were having problems with YouTube or invisible text…
Back from OpenRheinRuhr 🐮🐸🤩🎂
A couple of us went to a city called Oberhausen in Germany to setup a booth at OpenRheinRuhr.  Once again armed with a raspberry pie, a monitor and loads of Midori…
All for One, One for All 🎃😴🐾😼
Today isn’t just Halloween 🎃, but also release day for Midori 6. Some of you reading this will be thinking… but the project was abandoned, wasn’t it? Well, fortunately not. This…
Midori is the new browser for Astian OS
Midori is a browser that was created in the 2007 project initiated by Christian Dywan. Its features are: Motor WebKit. Marker management Management of tabs and sessions. Complete integration GTK +…

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Get in Touch

We understand your requirement and provide quality works.
Here for you

Call us 24/7. We are there for your support

About Neve

Res enim fortasse verae, certe graves.

Where to find us

42 Boulevard, California, number 23

Keep in touch
Here for you

Call us 24/7. We are there for your support

About Neve

Res enim fortasse verae, certe graves.

Where to find us

42 Boulevard, California, number 23

Below you will find the CSS for disabling animations on tablet/mobile, enable animation delay on desktop, IE fixes