Definition of shaft horsepower in English:

shaft horsepower


  • [mass noun] The power delivered to a propeller or turbine shaft.

    • ‘She is propelled by steam turbines with 76,000 shaft horsepower.’
    • ‘The C - 130J is equipped with four Allison AE2100D3 turboprop engines, each rated at 4,591 shaft horsepower.’
    • ‘Mounted well proud of the hull, they were gigantic enough to deliver more than 82,000 shaft horsepower to the water and push this 43,000 ton behemoth along at 25 knots.’
    • ‘The craft would be powered by a turbine capable of generating 1024 shaft horsepower dispersed through four gear-shaft driven propellers.’
    • ‘I slowed the aircraft to increase shaft horsepower before the fuel-chop - mindful to keep our rpm above 95 percent to prevent flameout.’