Yahoo Acquires Tumblr, announces Flickr overhaul

Flickr revamp

Monday may have been a holiday for many Canadians but not so for Yahoo in the U.S. where the company chalked up a busy day announcing the acquisition of the micro-blogging site Tumblr for $1.1 billion and hours later,  announcing a revamp of its popular photo-sharing site Flickr.

While shares in Yahoo edged up slightly in the wake of the Tumblr announcement, reaction among Flickr users wasn’t all favourable as some criticized the redesign and decision to end Pro Flickr accounts.

The Flickr revamp gives the site an entirely new look and offers a terabyte of free storage to all users. For Pro Flickr users who don’t want to switch to Flickr’s new model, which includes the free 1 TB account with ads, a $49.99/year account with no ads or a $499.99 account with 2 TB of photo and video space, there is the option – at least for now – for recurring Pro users to renew the same price they originally paid.

Here is a screenshot of the new look Flickr site of Evan Leeson, ecstaticist on Flickr:

Flickr redesign

Flickr’s Help Forum was inundated with criticism over the changes, although some users said they liked the new look.

“Seems like I am the only one … but I think the new design is a first step in the right direction. The dark background is a long awaited improvement. In my mind, most photos look better on black,” wrote Armin Hofen.

However, user Onno Bruins words were echoed by a lot of people who posted their dismay at the change:

“I am an old Flickr user, and Pro user for 5 years, and I am really disappointed with this redesign,” he wrote.  “I do understand the need for monetization, and revitalizing the site, but this ‘flat’ windows 8 like design just sucks big time. Please realize that people use Flickr because it was not the most beautiful site, but because it was the most functional photo sharing site. That functionality is still here, but is hidden below a silly redesign that will look outdated in a year time. “

Here is a link to Flickr’s explanation in its FAQ of some of the changes. And here is its blog post on the changes.

People who have been around Vancouver’s digital scene will remember Flickr had its start here where it was created by Steward Butterfield and Caterina Fake before being acquired by Yahoo in 2005.

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