Bolt Mobile Browser renders 100 million pages!


Yikes! Bolt Mobile Browser renders its 100 millionth page (GoMo News puts its finger in its mouth and laughs out loud scarily).

Significant milestone for Bitstream’s web browser for mobile phones of all types comes as daily use triples during first six months and adoption maintains steady double-digit growth rate

From the press release:
Significant milestone for Bitstream’s web browser for mobile phones of all types comes as daily use triples during first six months and adoption maintains steady double-digit growth rate

“There is no argument that the Internet is an essential part of peoples’ daily lives,” said Anna Chagnon, Bitstream’s president and CEO. “However a problem with the vast majority of mobile phones is that while they are capable of Internet access, they don’t possess browsers that display websites properly. Most websites are designed solely with PC viewing in mind, and even with billions of Internet-capable phones in use, a great many of the most popular websites still don’t have mobile companion websites. Of those that do, many lack the full functionality or features that people have come to expect when accessing them from their PCs. We believe the fact that BOLT was installed more than one million times in just the first four months since its launch is proof of the market’s desire to bridge this gap between the World Wide Web and mobile platforms.”

What we think?
Now, I hate to say I told you so. But, the first time I saw Bolt  at CTIA I had just had an Opera demo and the day before a Skyfire demo. Cian and I were both pretty impressed and it made it worse because be really weren’t expecting to be impressed!

Anyway – Bolt is seeing a steady stream of growth and 100 million pages in 6 months is on fire. Opera has been around longer and has rendered more; but that isn’t the point. Bolt is fresh and new and fast. Browsers often only get one chance of success and Opera failed to render GoMo News the first five times where as Bolt nailed it in the first attempt. That speaks volumes to youth, consumers and first time mobile users…and…um.. to us.

About Bena Roberts

GoMo News' founder and former managing editor, Bena Roberts has now moved on. She's now spending more time with her family. Tony Dennis has now assumed her mantle as the site's editor.
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