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Midori LogoMidori

a lightweight, fast, and free web browser


The Browser

Midori is a lightweight, fast, and free web browser. It aligns well with the Xfce philosophy of making the most out of available resources. It is also the default browser of the beautiful elementary os.

  • Fast
  • Lightweight
  • Open-Source
  • GTK 2/3
  • WebKit
  • Granite

The License

Midori is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1, which makes it suitable for inclusion in both proprietary and free, open-source programs.

The Developers

Christian Dywan

Christian likes to cook and eat Japanese. Add to that a passion for Chinese and Japanese tea. Christian enjoys hacking on Midori, working with elementary projects and QML. His development machine is an elementary Xfce hybrid based on Ubuntu.

Nancy Runge

Nancy likes to cook and eat Japanese as well. She is a voluntary cat petter in a local animal shelter.