Chrome for Android out of Beta!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | 11:36

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The Chrome team is happy to announce the first Stable Channel release of Chrome for Android.  18.0.1025123 is now available for download on Google Play and in the Google Play Store on your mobile devices, on Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich, or later.

This update picks up important stability and performance fixes since the last Beta, along with some minor UI adjustments, especially for tablets. Known issues are available on the Chrome support site.

Interested in other release channels of Chrome for Android?  Stay tuned for more information.

If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug.  More information on Chrome for Android is available on the Chrome site.

Srikanth Rajagopalan
Google Chrome


Alen said...

Cant wait to use it!!!

Nick Russler said...

As alternative the chrome browser is really great ! The only thing is miss so much (!!!) are addons/extensions ...

You guys are doing great work but dont let the others be faster than you ;)

To be state of art is the 'keyfeature' of chrome and always was !

Todd said...

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Todd said...

The stock Android browser reflows text when you zoom. Unfortunately, Chrome does not. At my age this is just a deal breaker and I simply cannot use Chrome until they implement this feature.

Alan said...

Hurray for Chrome+Android!

I'd love to see a full-screen mode which got rid not only of the address bar but also of the soft keys on phones like the Galaxy Nexus. (Having more apps which use the screen real estate normally taken up by the soft keys seems like a great way to show OEMs and users the advantages of soft keys over traditional buttons!)

Pawel Wroniecki said...

But still it hangs when i go into settings ;/

Mitch said...

I hate the "Show Advanced Settings" option. Just show the "advanced settings" and don't waste our time clicking on something stupid.

Alan Jurek said...

At least yours hangs, when I go into settings, mine crashes. :(

Ciarpame said...

I just discovered that if I want to run chrome on my smartphone I can give away my 1-year-old gingerbread based LG Optimus 2X and buy a cheap 3-years-old iPhone 3gs on ebay.
Well done Google...

jan3586 said...

Please add an "Always request desktop Site option" like the one on stock ics browser. This is a deal breaker for me since I don't want NBA mobile site on a tablet. thanks!