SeaMonkey 2.3.2 reports as 2.3.1…

Due to the relatively large quantity of reports we are getting, even with my comments in newsgroups, I think I should post this wider.

SeaMonkey 2.3.2′s download internal files, internal version, and all else of 2.3.2 except our website and files at our download directory location are indicating that it is SeaMonkey 2.3.1. (details in Bug 683473)

There is nothing to worry about there, we did properly include the DigiNotar cert block, as did Firefox 6.0.1. We are however also getting ready to release a SeaMonkey 2.3.3 release for a related Gecko issue, so we will correct our version number with that release, and not bother with any more updates with SeaMonkey 2.3.2 (See the bug driving this respin of Firefox at our bugzilla instance)

We are sorry about all confusion, and any issues this may have caused.

Stay tuned at our official blog for the release of SeaMonkey 2.3.3!

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