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Zend Weekly Summaries Issue #368

TLK: Taint mode decision
TLK: Late static binding
REQ: Type hinting of class properties
REQ: PECL/core agenda
REQ: Better exception error handling
TLK: WSDL load error
TLK: Disabling the built-in POST handler
TLK: Cleanup and maintenance offer
TLK: Optional scalar type hinting [continued]
REQ: End of support notices
BUG: String parser changes
CVS: Ternary shortcut in 5_3
PAT: PDO antics, and a bit of constifying

18th November - 24th November 2007

TLK: Taint mode decision

Stefan Esser wanted to know if there'd ever been a firm decision that Wietse Venema's taint mode will go into the PHP core. He wrote that there are currently two taint implementations available; GRASP, by Coresecurity, which has working byte level tainting but is slow, and Wietse's, which is faster but which - Stefan claimed - has a broken design and is insecure. Stefan added bluntly that he disliked the idea of a taint mode in PHP precisely because it's not possible to have an implementation that is both secure and fast. He went on to give some examples of wrong assumptions made in Wietse's implementation:

  • _SERVER['PHP_SELF'] is not made safe and allows XSS (and more) in many applications
  • "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=".mysql_real_escape_string($id) is NOT secure but will result in no taint warning
  • echo '....<sometag style="some-attribute: ',htmlentities($user_input),'">' will allow XSS through the style attribute without a taint warning
  • echo '....<img src="">' will allow XSS through javascript: URL (e.g. in Opera) without a taint warning

Nuno Lopes quickly reassured Stefan that no decision had been made yet. He also didn't like the idea of a taint mode in the core, not because of any specific weakness in one implementation or another, but because he saw it as a third-party tool. He wanted to know whether Stefan had found any real world exploitable bugs with GRASP?

Dan Scott wrote that, since it had already been 'mostly agreed' that taint mode should only be used in development, the speed of the implementation was largely irrelevant. Stefan retorted that this wasn't the problem; the problem was that neither variable-based nor byte level tainting can offer complete security, even where the test environment has (hypothetically) full code coverage. For example, given

$sql['id'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);
$query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=".$sql['id'];

Wietse's taint mode would consider it safe, and GRASP would ignore the user supplied data in the SQL query because it's numeric.

Lukas Smith, pointing out that there's no such thing as 100% security for anything that allows user access, wanted to know whether Stefan was against the use of taint models altogether or just against bundling them? He saw taint as purely a development tool, in which case the only question should be whether either of the proposed solutions is ready for use. Lukas also wondered how other languages solve the problem of taint? How did Ruby's taint model work, and were there any other languages that had one? Stas Malyshev replied that Perl has taint; he believed it to be variable-based. Stefan explained that, in Perl, the developer can only use tainted input by explicitly calling untaint() on it. This wasn't the same thing as implicit untainting, where functions like htmlentities() and mysql_real_escape_string() can mark data 'untainted' without regard to context. Stas corrected him; applying any regexp in Perl does just that. Lukas, though, agreed that this constitutes a fundamental difference, and came up with the idea of making bytecode caches smart enough to strip out untaint() calls in production. That said, most people would probably appreciate a tool that just does the job without their having to alter their code.

Stas likened taint mode to an alarm clock; 'it can wake you up, but can't ensure you actually will go to work and do something productive there.' He didn't see how this would make the idea of tainting worthless.

Wietse argued that, in his code, there is actually contextual awareness, e.g. htmlentities() only marks data as safe for HTML. He asked Stefan for an explicit example of a case where

"SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=".mysql_real_escape_string($id)

wouldn't be safe. When it came to Javascript execution, Wietse explained that he was still working on it; he had yet to realistically simulate every browser out there. He didn't think that meant he should give up trying to warn people about known bad coding practices; it just meant he couldn't warn them against all of those.

Stefan admitted that he'd have to search for a good example, but wrote that the bigger problem in Wietse's implementation was that code like:

"SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=$id"

would always advise the developer to use mysql_real_escape_string(). Since doing so will mark $id as untainted, the developer is given the wrong message about how to make user data secure. Wietse agreed that the warning message could be improved, but explained that the idea was simply to help the programmer to do the right thing, rather than to guarantee it.

PHP user Troels Knak-Nielsen pointed out that something intended for testing wouldn't be turned on by default, and wondered if a tool like php-sat might provide a better solution? Wietse carefully explained the difference between static analysis and run-time taint analysis.

Ezequiel Gutesman of the GRASP development team chose that moment to introduce himself to the internals list. He explained that GRASP was designed to be used in production, and with that in mind, false alarms, whether positive or negative, are unacceptable. The main design aim was to block ongoing attacks, rather than to warn the developer about insecure coding habits. The GRASP team were, therefore, all for Wietse's taint mode.

Going back to Stefan's earlier claim that numeric characters in $_GET['id'] won't raise an alarm, Ezequiel explained that the GRASP team hadn't found a way to perform an SQL injection attack using only numeric characters. Markus Fischer couldn't see anything in the original example that forces $id to actually be a numeric value, and linked to an article describing how to exploit such code even if mysql_real_escape_string() is called.

David Zülke quoted Yoda - "Do, or do not. There is no try." - but this approach was comprehensively dismissed by Lukas ('The only secure application is one that hasn't been deployed anywhere') and Stas ('By your logic, all security solutions and all testing are useless'). David clarified; he only meant that it was impossible to cover all the potential security issues with a taint mode feature, and that attempting to do so would give inexperienced users a false sense of security. An explicit untaint() approach would make far more sense to him than 'some implicit guessing magic that, once again, means people are gonna switch their brains off'. Stefan Priebsch didn't care about the people that switch their brains off; whatever happened, those people would always write 'crappy code'. He did, however, care about having taint mode in PHP, because it would help him make his own code a little more secure with next to no effort.

Christian Schneider wrote thoughtfully that most people seemed to agree that taint mode would be a valuable tool for themselves, with the only major drawback in Wietse's approach being the likely perception that no taint warnings indicate secure code. As far as Christian's own code is concerned, the mechanism provided by ext/filter is at the wrong end of the chain; he needs data to be left in its original state for as long as possible and sanitized only at the point of use. For him, Wietse's solution would therefore be extremely useful; not having the tool would seem a great loss.

Short version: Taint marks themselves are less of an issue than the untainting model.

TLK: Late static binding

Gergely Hodicska (I have to confess to uncertainty about the name - the sign-off doesn't match) wanted to know if there'd been any decision about the behaviour of inheritance in late static binding? He wanted to be able to do this:

class ActiveRecord {
    public static function
findByPk($id) {
$calledClass = get_called_class();

Blog extends ActiveRecord {
    public static function
findByPk($id) {


but currently, the value of $calledClass is ActiveRecord.

Etienne Kneuss wrote that this was discussed some time ago. It all came down to whether fully established calls should break the resolution or not; both approaches had drawbacks. Implementing this would mean introducing another keyword and further complications. Gergely (we'll assume) had found that thread, but not a conclusion. He believed his example was a legitimate use case, and found the current behaviour confusing. Johannes Schlüter quickly responded that the current behaviour felt right to him, since the call to parent::findByPk() is an independent call to an explicit class. Mike Lively disagreed, arguing that this behaviour makes it completely impossible to engage any more complex form of inheritance or cope with decorators. He also found it inconsistent with instance inheritance; wasn't the whole point of LSB to give static calls the same flexibility as instance calls? While agreeing that <class name>::<static method>() should break the caller chain, surely parent:: should just forward the called class? If you actually wanted the parent, you could just use the class name.

Stas argued that if Mike wanted objects, he should 'use the real thing'. LSB was supposed to resolve an explicit problem, that being the inability to distinguish A::method() from B::method() when B extends A. Besides, 'more complex' is not always better. Mike pointed out that he had been among those making the original feature request, and while resolving that explicit problem may well have been the goal of the patch authors, it certainly hadn't been his. He'd seen LSB as a way to provide a flexible inheritance model for statics, thereby killing the need to instantiate objects for the sole purpose of instantiating other objects (e.g. in factories); he saw this as fundamental to OO design. Although that goal had been met, the inability to re-implement following class extension was a severe limitation. Stas disagreed; the missing feature had been some way to find the name of the true calling class, and this had now been provided. He saw no reason to add further complications to the language.

Gergely asked simply whether Stas had found his example too 'complex'? He believed a lot of users would be confused by that result. Stas essentially argued that those users should RTFM, particularly the definitions of self:: and parent::. Gergely posted a link to his blog, which contains more code examples, and asked whether the behaviour in the last two code blocks on that page wasn't confusing. Just because something could be explained in the manual didn't make it the best solution. Lukas wrote cautiously that Stas had probably meant the example code should use self:: rather than parent::. Alexey Zakhlestin pointed out that that meant calling this exact method, rather than the parent class method. Lukas suggested that adding the class name as a second parameter to the parent method would suffice. Alexey agreed this was possible, but didn't see it as a good solution. The 'least-surprise' solution would be to have it work the way Gergely and Mike had suggested. Lukas disagreed; not only did he see that as less intuitive, it would also introduce back compatibility issues. Adding some new magic constants (he had __SELF__ in mind) should be enough to resolve the problem, leaving self:: for more complex operations. Gergely disputed that it would introduce BC issues, since both __CLASS__ and get_class() work as they always did. Mike agreed, claiming that the only thing affected would be the resolution of static::, which has never been in a PHP release.

Jochem Maas, who evidently didn't have a current PHP snapshot installed, asked for clarification. Given:

class A {
    static function
find() {}

B extends A {}

could A::find() tell that it was called as B::find()? Stas replied, if a little wearily, that that is exactly what LSB does. Mike explained that it breaks down when you want to specialize B::find(), 'because parent:: is considered an explicit class name reference'. Stas retorted that it is possible to specialize the method, just not by using parent::. He recommended using the return value of get_called_class() to call the required method, but Mike still felt there was 'a disconnect somewhere'. If Stas was suggesting something like:

static public function test() {

Mike could see two problems with it. Firstly, this is already possible in PHP, so why bother with LSB? Secondly, and more importantly, this kind of loose inheritance with statics wasn't supported in PHP 6 last time he checked. Stas asked what Mike wanted parent::test() to mean, if not "the method test in the parent class of the class where this statement is". He wasn't sure what Mike meant by 'loose inheritance'. Mike downloaded PHP 6 before responding, and found himself in the wrong about that. However, he explained that by 'loose inheritance' he meant the ability to extend and overwrite a method while changing that method's parameter list. In the situation where B::test() was called to start the call chain, he wanted the B::test() method to decorate A::test(), and this just isn't possible at present. Support for it would either mean introducing a new keyword or allowing parent:: to forward the called class.

Richard Quadling and Marco Kaiser turned up at this point and exchanged huge long tracts of code, the former to express how great LSB is and the latter to demonstrate the problems he was having with it. Marcus Börger put an end to these antics with a couple of demonstrations of LSB usage.

Short version: The actual problem is solved, but the extent of the solution is too limited for the OO folk.

REQ: Type hinting of class properties

Baptiste Autin went where angels fear to tread and asked whether there is any hope of seeing class properties and return values type hinted one day... as an option. He saw it as a 'half-done job' in PHP 5, where only function parameters have the feature. Design patterns make much use of composition, which would be more readable with type hinting. Model-driven reverse-engineering tools would also find it useful.

While he was at it, Baptiste wondered about the possibility of having the superglobal arrays stored in system classes too...

Short version: Another Java escapee joins the list.

REQ: PECL/core agenda

Following up on Gaetano Giunta's crusade to name and shame those extensions that lack versioning information, Lukas Smith wrote that he believed the relationship between PECL and core generally - including extension versioning - should be 'very high up on our agenda.' He asked if someone actively maintaining an extension both in PECL and the PHP core would be prepared to write up a proposal that could act as a basis for discussion. Alternatively, perhaps those developers meeting in Paris could find time to sit down and talk about this?

Short version: And pigs may fly...

REQ: Better exception error handling

PHP user Ken Stanley wanted to check that he hadn't missed anything before logging a feature request. He was using set_exception_handler() to standardize a project's error response to all exceptions. Unthinkingly, he had written a View class that throws an Exception if no view is found. Ken felt that the resulting error message:

Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0

could be improved upon.

Ken took some pains to explain that he does understand why the error occurred, and had now corrected his code to use trigger_error() rather than throw an exception. However, he had noticed other PHP users coming across the same problem without an easy solution. Long story short, Ken felt that providing a filename - and perhaps even a line number - in the error message to show where the last exception was thrown would be useful. However, he didn't know whether this had already been implemented in a more recent version of PHP, and lacked the skills to find out from source. He also didn't know whether it was even possible to provide that information in the error message. Finally, Ken didn't know whether he should re-open bug #31304, which appeared to be a request for the same thing, or create a new report.

Alexey Zakhlestin and Evert|Rooftop both chimed in with a recommendation that Ken use a try/catch block rather than set_exception_handler(), which should really only be used for debugging. Ken agreed, but pointed out that this had nothing to do with the questions he was actually asking. He apologized that he hadn't been clear enough in his first post, and explained the whole thing over again.

Tony Dovgal explained that the execution phase is finished at the point when exception handlers and shutdown functions are called. Since no script is being executed, there is no filename or line number information available for the error message to use. Ken thanked him for his response, but wondered if it wouldn't be possible to temporarily store that information to pass to the exception handler?

Edward Z. Yang saw the whole thing as a documentation problem, pointing out that set_exception_handler() is 'often touted as an easy way to define a global try/catch block'. It wasn't designed to call a complex subsystem to render the error; it occurs during the destruct phase. He felt the documentation should at least mention that throwing an exception from inside the handler will result in a fatal error, and probably also encourage the use of a global try/catch block.

Short version: Shutdown stuff's always entertaining.

TLK: WSDL load error

Nick Loeve had noticed that bug #42773 (WSDL error causes HTTP 500 Response) had been fixed in a very literal way in PHP 5.2.5. To his mind, the real problem was that a failed attempt to load a WSDL should raise an exception, and not a fatal error. Should he open a new bug report about this?

Alexey pointed out that exceptions are generally not thrown from core PHP except during object construction. Nick pointed out that the constructor for SoapClient specifically allows the user to request exceptions for SoapFaults. Was this not a SoapFault? Lukas believed that it wasn't, since a SoapFault is something thrown by the SOAP service and the WSDL read error occurs before the SOAP service is involved. That said, he agreed with Nick that it shouldn't be a fatal error.

Nick meanwhile had been playing around and made the discovery that attempting to load a WSDL that doesn't exist throws two fatal errors - one a SOAP-ERROR saying the WDSL cannot be loaded, and the other an uncaught SoapFault exception with a faultString that says the same thing. Wrapping the constructor in a try/catch block allowed him to catch the exception, but of course did not prevent the fatal error. Nick had by now found bug #34657, closed as bogus because it appeared to be an Xdebug issue, and yet the offending fatal error was still in php_sdl.c:

wsdl = soap_xmlParseFile(struri TSRMLS_CC);

if (!wsdl) {
    soap_error1(E_ERROR, "Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '%s'", struri);

Should he open a new report, request that one of the previous reports be re-opened, or accept that this behaviour is never going to change? Nick didn't mind trying to write a patch to fix the problem, but had found a number of other operations in the SOAP extension that error out in this way.

Short version: Maybe a check for the exception option would be wise.

TLK: Disabling the built-in POST handler

Following a brief discussion on the php-general mailing list, Stefanos Stamatis had tracked down the rfc1867_post_handler() function in main/rfc1867.c. He found that this function checks whether the posted content length exceeds the value of the post_max_size INI directive. If it does, an E_WARNING is thrown and the function is aborted. Ergo, by overriding post_max_size (which can be achieved from Apache configuration using php_value) it is possible to disable the built-in POST handler. The only thing Stefanos didn't know was whether this was expected behaviour that could be relied upon.

Hannes Magnusson wrote simply 'Yes', and added a link to the manual entry, which states that post_max_size has been an INI_PER_DIR setting since PHP 4.2.3.

Richard Quadling, who takes his documentation duties very seriously, asked whether the manual entry shouldn't also state that a post_max_size setting of zero will inhibit $_FILES?

Short version: Another PHP user gets to learn C the hard way.

TLK: Cleanup and maintenance offer

Andy Lester, 'usually a Perl person', introduced himself on the internals list. He had been helping clean up the internal code in Perl 5 and Parrot over the past few years, and - having looked through the PHP_5_2 sources - wondered if the PHP crew would also appreciate help in this. The specific areas he would look at included using const qualifiers on core functions and variables where possible and minimizing variable scope. He had written 'a guide to the benefits of consting' in the context of the Parrot project, and shared the link to ensure that everyone knew what he was talking about here. Would the PHP core team be interested, and if so where should Andy begin?

Tony explained that the PHP_5_2 branch is actually bugfix-only, and the work to 'constify' had started a few months ago in the current branches. Andy saw this as a good sign, but noted that there are still plenty of other sectors of code to hit. He also wondered if compiler warning levels shouldn't be raised; the PHP build doesn't default to running with -Wall under GCC. Tony pointed out that actually it does, but only if you --enable-debug.

Marcus Börger was happy to get a constify-ing offer, and added that killing off TSRMLS_FETCH() where possible would also be good. This being highly PHP-specific, he added an example (but no explanation) in his post. As for where to begin, Marcus suggested that Andy start the same way everyone else on the team did, by providing patches against CVS HEAD and PHP_5_3; assuming all went well, he'd soon have CVS access.

Short version: What, no more Perl jokes?

TLK: Optional scalar type hinting [continued]

Derick picked up Sam Barrow's request for optional scalar type hinting, and - surprisingly - wrote in to back it. He knew, though, that his 'quick hack' was not the best implementation. Cristian Rodriguez was there too, so long as it wasn't mandatory. David Coallier mentioned support for basic types as objects, but even Sam didn't think that was a good idea. Hannes described it as 'the worst idea I've heard on internals for over a month', and demonstrated that you can do this in userland if you need to anyway. David pointed out that it's okay to just say you don't like the idea... however, given its reception, he guessed it would be just as easy to implement it in an extension.

Sam explained that he both liked and disliked the loose typing in PHP; it makes the language easy, which he liked, but the lack of strictness also allows undetected errors, which he liked less. To him, it would make perfect sense to evolve PHP into a hybrid, where typing is dynamic but still controllable via type hinting, and mix-and-match parameters are allowed. Richard Quadling came up with the idea of having type hinting generate an E_NOTICE (presumably, when the type of a passed variable is wrong). Alexey liked that idea, but thought E_STRICT would better fit the bill. Sam liked it too; wasn't there currently a fatal error for this? 'We could just turn it into an E_NOTICE or E_WARNING'.

Marcus saw the autoboxing aspect of the discussion and recommended they all look into pecl/SPL_Types, which provides a base implementation already.

Short version: It'd be interesting to hear what the Engine gurus have to say on the matter.

REQ: End of support notices

Marcus put in a plea for official RM announcements of the end of support for PHP 4, PHP 5.0 and PHP 5.1 on the home page as of 31st December 2007. Tony agreed that it should be made as clear as possible that other versions are no longer supported, given that the 5_2 branch will be ending soon. Ilia Alshanetsky pointed out that it won't be all that soon - the 5_2 branch has to stick around at least until the 5_3 branch is stable - but agreed that there should be end-of-life announcements for the long-dead PHP_5_0 and PHP_5_1 branches.

Rasmus Lerdorf referred Marcus to the homepage, which has carried an end-of-life announcement for PHP 4 for some months now. Marcus replied blithely that this means simply adding the other two, but Derick Rethans didn't see a good reason not to repeat it. Tomas Kuliavas grumbled that there is actually an eight month difference between the date on that end-of-life announcement and the date proposed by Marcus. Besides, as he recalled it the decision had only affected PHP 4 in the first place. Ilia repeated that the older PHP 5 versions have long being discontinued; all that was being suggested now was that this information should be made public.

Hannes noted that there is actually an item about unsupported historical releases on already, but agreed that putting something on the front page would be a good idea.

Short version: Betcha nobody actually remembered to do this.

BUG: String parser changes

Someone named Serge had discovered a change in the way strings are parsed in PHP 5.2.5. The sequences \f and \v are now special, and are parsed as FF and VT symbols. This made no sense to him, since it broke backward compatibility and was likely to affect many scripts. Those particular symbols are rarely used, and he didn't see how the feature could be useful to many developers. Furthermore, Serge had checked the documentation and found the change isn't even mentioned there; worse, in the documentation, escaping backslashes only when necessary is encouraged. He therefore asked that the change be rolled back.

Edward Z. Yang referred Serge to the bug report that had sparked the change, and shared his opinion that stray backslashes in double-quoted strings should always be escaped. The documentation had actually been updated; the mirror Serge was using was probably out of date. Hannes explained that none of the documentation mirrors are up to date at present; 'Our build master is MIA, the only mirror that is up to date is'. Serge pointed out that if the manual has stated in the past that only certain characters are escaped while others are not, that behaviour should never be changed because doing so will break existing code. Moreover, you still can't use \f or \v in application code because any version older than PHP 5.2.5 will treat it in a different way. He simply didn't understand why support for such esoteric symbols had been added in the first place.

Short version: Serge's right (at least, not in a minor version).

CVS: Ternary shortcut in 5_3

Changes in CVS that you should probably be aware of include:

  • In ext/dbase, bug #42261 (Incorrect lengths for date and Boolean data types) was fixed across all three current branches [Ilia]
  • There is now support for the prefix namespace::, which is resolved to the current namespace name in PHP_5_3 and CVS HEAD [Dmitry]
  • Zend Engine bug #43136 (possible crash on script execution timeout) was fixed in 5_3 and HEAD. Internals note: EG(current_execute_data)->function_state now fully replaces the defunct EG(function_state_ptr) [Dmitry]
  • PDO bug #42978 (mismatch between number of bound params and values causes a crash in pdo_pgsql) was fixed across all three branches [Ilia]
  • There is a new constant, ZEND_DEBUG_BUILD, in 5_3 and HEAD [Jani]
  • The ternary shortcut operator expr1 ?: expr2 was backported to the PHP_5_3 branch, along with a warning that this is not ifsetor()! [Johannes]
  • Test suite bug #43035 (ignore_repeated_errors=On causes lot of tests to fail) was fixed [Jani]
  • In the Zend Engine, the macro definitions EXPECTED() and UNEXPECTED() have been moved to zend.h in 5_3 and HEAD (affects internals only) [Dmitry]
  • The new top-level file README.RELEASE_PROCESS is a direct port from the release checklist on Lukas' wiki [Lukas]
  • Zend Engine bug #43318 (const allowed outside class definition) was fixed in 5_3 and HEAD, alongside a note that const is still allowed outside namespaces but arrays are disabled [Dmitry]
  • Core bug #43128 (Very long class name causes segfault) was fixed in 5_3 and HEAD [Dmitry]
  • In the date extension, bug #43377 (PHP crashes with invalid argument for DateTimeZone) was fixed across all three branches [Ilia]
  • In ext/soap, bug #42952 (soap cache file is created with insecure permissions) was fixed in the PHP_5_3 branch and CVS HEAD [Dmitry]

In other CVS news, Derick came into Dmitry's sights when he applied a one-line patch across all four branches (yes four - remember PHP_4_4) to initialize the reserved resource bits in the op_array. Dmitry asked if Derick really intended to slow down compilation just to support 'some buggy extension' and introduced him to zend_extension_op_array_ctor_handler()s, which should be used to set up reserved data. Derick retorted that this had looked like an Engine bug to him, since all the other elements of the structure are properly initialized. Uninitialized variables had caused a number of problems in the past, up to and including the reference issues in the PHP 4.3 series, and he was broadly against them. Besides, if the Zend Engine were actually documented he might have known about those handlers; he'd look into them now. Stas explained that C allocators don't initialize memory unless asked, because of the performance hit involved.

That would be a big deal for Dmitry, this week in particular; he'd spent most of his time on optimization work. Areas that should now work faster include: ZEND_FETCH_DIM, math and comparison operations, zend_do_fcall_common_helper(), ZEND_DO_FCALL and ZEND_INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME. Marcus was overjoyed, and complimented Dmitry on finding an acceptable way to make those last changes - 'three years after George, Sterling and me had that idea'.

Lukas meanwhile had caught up with Ilia's negative response to the challenge over his fix for PDO bug #43130 (Bound parameters cannot have - in their name) a few weeks ago. He argued that the change is a BC break that could affect any user; that it could break queries for Oracle users porting to PDO 'in a very non-obvious way', and that the benefits of the change numbered approximately zero. Given the design concept of PDO as a thin layer to unify the client API and provide only basic emulation, Lukas saw this as a diversion from the ideal that does considerable harm.

Short version: Whoa, it's still possible to commit to PHP_4_4?

PAT: PDO antics, and a bit of constifying

Lars Westermann committed a patch against PHP_5_3 from Hans-Peter Oeri at the start of the week to fix PDO_FIREBIRD bug #43246 (INSERT ... RETURNING ... throws exception). Hans-Peter followed this up with a patch introducing PDO::FETCH_2D, which would give a row result consisting of a two-dimensional hash - first the table name, then the field name:


Columns not resulting from a table would be added to a "null base", by default at the first level:


The connection attribute ATTR_2D_NULLBASE could be used to define an
alternative "null base":


Hans-Peter added that his implementation, currently supporting PDO_MYSQL and PDO_FIREBIRD, also involved rearranging the FETCH mode constants to make FETCH_NUM, FETCH_ASSOC and FETCH_2D bitwise-combinable.

Lukas wasn't sure the addition would be 'real world useful'; in his experience, there was more of a need for tree structures. That said, he looked into Hans-Peter's proposal and suggested only that "nullbase" should be an empty string rather than providing a potential naming collision. Lukas mentioned in a follow up post that he would also like to see lazy connect and driver independent DSN support in PDO, if Hans-Peter was set on creating feature additions.

Hans-Peter argued that in his real world experience, a framework-like class was often needed when making changes to joined tables. The functionality he proposed would be useful when faced with duplicate field names in different tables, and also when updating tables. The combination of FETCH_2D with either FETCH_ASSOC or FETCH_NUM would allow access to fields whose tables were unknown, with changes to "table-less" fields automagically represented in the "table" fields. He'd find that extremely useful; although he admittedly couldn't say how often, it would be much more useful than the existing ATTR.FETCH_TABLE_NAMES.

With that off his chest, Hans-Peter cast an eye over Lukas' wish list: 'Why lazy connects?' He also wondered if the username and password could be included directly in the DSN. Tree support, though, would be added functionality rather than a new way to return fetched data; it needed serious discussion. Lukas agreed on the last point; it would only make good sense in PDO if the information is readily available through the RDBMS. Perhaps tree support rightly belonged in an ORM. He'd like support for lazy connects because, when caching, there isn't always the need for a database connection. Although it's already possible to create a PDO instance on demand, having a lazy connect option would make it easier to switch between modes. It would also make it easier to deal with libraries that expect a PDO object to be passed to the constructor. Finally, there are good reasons not to store login credentials in the DSN; security, and the design goal of PDO as a thin layer. That said, Lukas thought it would be a good idea to support the PEAR::DB DSN format, which does include login credentials.

So, on to the rest of this week's patches - and there were many.

Dmitry found time to add the changes suggested by Wez Furlong to fix the always_inline symbol collision on certain systems.

Johannes applied some long-standing patches from Benjamin Schulz, bringing msg_queue_exists() to ext/sysvmsg and stream_supports_lock() to the core in PHP_5_3 and CVS HEAD.

Stas applied Claudio Cherubino's PHP 6 patch from last week, fixing bug #42866 (str_split() returns extra char when given string size is not multiple of length).

Ilia fulfilled ext/pgsql feature request #43041 (micro-optimizations in pgsql data retrieval) using a patch initially supplied by Andy Lester (andy at petdance dot com).

Andy then came up with a couple of the promised patches to 'constify' input arguments to the md5 functions and in dl.c, and asked if it was OK to look at Zend Engine code too.

Hans-Peter had been busy the while. He'd discovered that PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR doesn't work as documented; all but two-column result sets throw an error. He suggested generalizing the constant to PDO::FETCH_KEYS; a single value would be assigned as a scalar, and multiple columns as FETCH_ASSOC. He believed this should be fully backwards compatible, but added an ominous postscript that would prevent most of the team even looking: 'My diff includes my 'old' FETCH_2D patch.'

Short version: It can be quite difficult to keep multiple patches separate, but it pays to make the effort.


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