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Frequently Asked Questions

Why isn't Dillo rendering some HTML-entities (such as &euro)
How do I enable the https (SSL) support plugin for dillo-0.8.4?
How do I use a different charset with Dillo?
Internationalization and Localization (i18n & l10n)
What's the state of the FLTK port?
How do I get started for developing Dillo plugins (dpi)?
Where can I find more information about Dillo's internals?
Where can I find the user manual?
Where are the project notes?
Why does the page X.Y look strange?
Why doesn't Cookies work for me?
Why are downloads silent?
After the upgrade I got: "ERROR: can't start dpid daemon!"
I have sent an email/patch/question/etc to Jorge, but still no answer. What's the deal?
I have an addition to the FAQ/website, whom do I contact?

Q: Why isn't Dillo rendering some HTML-entities (such as &euro)

Currently, named entities outside latin1 are not handled. When Dillo has been ported to FLTK and support for UTF-8 is implemented all such entities will be shown properly.

Note that when Dillo renders "&entityname;", it means it's not handled. When it renders as "&someentity" (without the trailing semicolon), it means that the entity is invalid!

Q: How do I enable the https (SSL) support plugin for dillo-0.8.4?

First of all, beware that this is a prototype in alpha state. It will only provide for very basic web page retrievals, POST and GET. Just in case you want to test it, change the following line in dpi/https.c
#define ENABLE_SSL
Remember to recompile and reinstall!

  If you want to help us to improve the plugin, just let us know!

Q: How do I use a different charset with Dillo?

Please read the answer in the following question.

Q: Internationalization and Localization (i18n & l10n)

The main problem for doing this is that the underlying library that Dillo uses (GTK+-1.2.x), doesn't support UTF-8 character rendering.

Dillo currently supports ISO-LATIN1 and works internally with this encoding. GTK+-2.x supports UTF-8 but it's too big to be used with Dillo. After a long feasibility analysis FLTK was chosen as the next widget library for Dillo.

Among other things FLTK supports UTF-8 and before Dillo is ported to it, i18n and l10n is frozen.

There're some patches that enable Dillo to view some other encodings though. Beware that as Dillo works internally in Latin1, these patches do break some functionality and don't expect them to work flawlessly (specially with FORMS and entities). That's why they're not included in the main source tree. OTOH, we know they're worth to people longing to see their native language.

These patches may apply to an old version of Dillo. Please don't hesitate to write to the original authors if you update them. Problems with these patches don't belong to our mailing list. If you update the patch, and the original author is no longer interested, you may tell us to update the link.

Some comments about Hindi and Chinese: these languages need a special technology to render, and they're currently not supported under FLTK, but the possibility is open. This is, the best path to add support for them in Dillo, when it runs over FLTK, is to add Chinese/Hindi support directly into FLTK.
  The FLTK developing team should be contacted for the details.

Some References:

Q: What's the state of the FLTK port?

Update 2005-04-03:
A working prototype is almost ready for a public release. There is a screenshot here showing Dillo with both GUI and HTML-rendering done by FLTK. This prototype uses FLTK 2.0 (CVS-version) and supports antialiased text!

For earlier discussions on the subject see the mailing list. Please start here, and continue here.

Q: How do I get started for developing Dillo plugins (dpi)?

First, read "doc/Dpid.txt" and then Dpi1 SPEC for details. The easy way to get started is to think of them as CGI programs that don't need a web server, and that provide some handy extensions. Dillo comes with several dpis (Dillo plugins). Play for a while with the bookmarks in dillo (it's implemented with a dpi) to get an idea of what can be done. The hello dpi provides a simpler example ("dpi:/hello/world"). Downloads, ftp and https are also dpi programs. Chose one of them and start to make some modifications. Remember that a dpi is an independent process that communicates with Dillo by using Unix Domain Sockets (UDS). As an independent program, it has all the power the underlying OS set for it. For instance it'd be easy to modify the bookmarks dpi to provide for a dillo-based GUI for data stored in a DB server.

Q: Where can I find more information about Dillo's internals?

Look in the "doc/" directory inside the tarball. You can also access the documentation from the online CVS repository

Q: Where can I find the user manual?


Q: Where are the project notes?

This FAQ supersedes it.

Q: Why does the page X.Y look strange?

Our policy with HTML is not to try to render badly written HTML, ideally send a warning message, and not to crash!

If you want to understand why, please go to our site's Links section, and especially read:
"The decommoditization of protocols" by Raph Levien.

Any HTML parsing patch, should be backed-up with the HTML-4.01 spec. (also available from the [Links] section). Note that previous HTML specs could be considered too.

Q: Why doesn't Cookies work for me?

Please read Cookies.txt (also available in the tarball).

In a nutshell: Because of privacy considerations Dillo comes with cookies disabled by default. The above document explains it in detail.

Configuring cookies in Dillo is easy. For instance, some lines like these inside "~/.dillo/cookiesrc" could be enough to get you started:

slashdot.org ACCEPT
freshmeat.net ACCEPT_SESSION

Note: only the first Dillo instance, and all its child windows, will be cookies-enabled. If you launch another Dillo, it will disable cookies. This is a BUG and it will be fixed in the future, either by making cookies a plugin or by handling the race condition.

Q: Why are downloads silent?

If you launch dillo from a terminal you'll have the feedback from wget inside it. If you launch it from a menu entry or desktop icon, then it will be silent. :(

Currently there's a GUI dpi (graphical dillo plugin) prototype that allows for a window with feedback. It needs polishing before it can be released. If you wish to help us with this, please write to our mailing list (mainly GTK+ and sockets knowledge is required).

Q: After the upgrade I got: "ERROR: can't start dpid daemon!"

The old dpid and some dpis may still be running. Just:
    ps aux | grep dpid
    dpidc stop
    kill <dpid PIDs>
    ps aux | grep dpi
    kill <dpi PIDs>

Q: I have sent an email/patch/question/etc to Jorge, but still no answer. What's the deal?

Actually Jorge has much more work than what he can cope with. For instance, by now, it's impossible to answer all the emails that pour in. There'd be no time for development, design, patch reviewing, patch integration, funding initiative, web site maintenance, quality assurance, release management, ...

So what do I do?
Allow him a week for urgent messages and two for less pressing matters. If he hasn't answered, send a remainder.

Subscribe to dillo-dev, there are hundreds of people inside. You can get your answers from there too. Search the mailing list archive:

Q: I have an addition to the FAQ/website, whom do I contact?

Send all such additions, as well as general questions about the website to the webmaster Jörgen Viksell