1.9.8 released; XULRunner

Version 1.9.8 of the GNOMEyest browser on Earth has hit the streets! The last rough UI edges have been polished, thanks to the people who participated in the UI review. Download instructions are here.

From this release on, XULRunner is a supported Gecko version to build Epiphany with. Soon, you will be able to run Epiphany without a mandatory Firefox or Seamonkey installation next to it :-)

As you may know, the bookmark menu, the toolbar and the topic chooser have received lots of love this cycle. Peter Harvey is the driving force behind all this, and now he has even created a short video (play in fullscreen) of the topic chooser in action. The full description can be read by following this link. Enjoy!

One Response to “1.9.8 released; XULRunner”

  1. Michaël Says:

    Great browser!

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