» Bloglines gets Skweezed | The Mobile Gadgeteer | ZDNet.com
Matthew Miller
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September 25th, 2006

Bloglines gets Skweezed

Posted by Matthew Miller @ 9:43 am Categories: Mobile software, Smartphone


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I surf on my mobile devices for a longer period of time than most people due to my 2 hour plus round trip commute and the fact that I am a bit of a gadget addict :) 90% of the time I surf to my homepage, Bloglines Mobile, and check out the latest RSS feeds. One very cool new feature you will soon discover when you follow a feed link to the full story is the new implementation of Skweezer technology. Skweezer has been around for a while as a stand alone service and it takes a standard web page that may not even have a mobile format and optimizes it for mobile device displays while also reducing the bandwidth required for many pages and speeding up load times. When you click a link to a site in Bloglines you will also find a couple cool tools at the very bottom of the "Skweezed page", the ability to hide images, link back to your feed, link back to Bloglines, and a translate link. The best part about all of this is that it is FREE! Sign up for Bloglines and use this on your mobile devices for an excellent RSS and browsing experience.

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