  • Hello! I thought it was high time that I made a pinned post on here.

    I’m Vina, she/her. Drarry enthusiast and big on Fantasy/Royalty AUs (seriously, toss them my way).

    My writing: All under the tag vina writes! My microfics are tagged drarrymicrofic, and anything else is on Ao3 (although some of it is quite old and a bit of a hot mess). Please do not repost my work.

    NSFW policy: This blog is 18+, so take care of yourselves accordingly. Do what’s right for your experience. If that means unfollowing/muting, no hard feelings. I do try to avoid potentially triggering content, however, because I’m also sensitive. 

    Asks and DMs are always open!

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    H/D Candy Hearts Fest 2022: Prompt List!

    Welcome to the H/D Candy Hearts Fest! Are you a fan of fluff? Love writing fumbling first date fics? Dying for an excuse to draw sweet nose kisses? For every day in February, we will provide a prompt meant to inspire lighthearted works with Drarry as the main pairing. This is meant to be a lowkey fest, so feel free to use however many prompts on whatever day you want! Just post your work on Tumblr (tag us so we can share) or the Ao3 collection between February 1st and February 28th! For more info on how to participate and post to the collection, check out our Info & FAQ 💕

    Any questions? Ask your mod team: @softlystarstruck@corvuscrowned, & @lou-isfake

    Prompt list in plain text is under the cut!

    Keep reading

  • It’s raining miserably by the time Draco makes it to Harry’s street.


    SLOW MOTION by @vina-writes ( T | 2.3k ) - He thinks about knocking on Harry’s door—about doing it four months ago, when Harry would press him into the wall and kiss him slowly enough that his legs turned to jelly and his mind went blank.

    But Harry doesn’t miss him, because they don’t do kisses by the door anymore. After all, they were just fucking.

    Like a long soak in a bath, this short will heal your aching soul and fill your heart with warmth.

  • Don’t mind me, just wiping happy tears away over here… 

    Really this is so sweet I might never recover <3

  • 2022 fic goals 🌱

  • Thank you @softlystarstruck for the tag!!! these lists are so cute, I love seeing what everyone’s looking forward to this year.

    🌱Longfic longfic longfic. This will be the year. I declare it. I’ve always had a problem with longer stories because if I have to spend too much time writing I get bored. It’s like re-reading the same book too many times. I’ve seen the ending in my head so often that I just lose interest in writing it and… forget all about it. But it’s a skill I want to work on because I quite a few longer WIPs and even more concepts to share! And it’s something I know I have in me because I have finished novel-length work in the past. We just have to buckle down!

    🌱Be more active! I have a tendency to disappear every few months because fandom can get stressful for me. I find myself growing anxious and I pull back and stop using tumblr or posting stories. But I would like to be a more consistent writer, so I’m going to work on taking things in manageable chunks and hopefully not overburden myself so I don’t feel the need to back out <3

    🌱On that note, I’d like to try being more social in fandom this year. I’m definitely a quieter lurker, and I do stick to my corner, but my resolution is to put myself out there and get better at staying in contact with fandom friends (and making new ones!)

    What are your fic goals?

  • Five of 2021

  • Thank you so much @vina-writes for tagging me. Before I get into the list, you should be included. I “met” you this year (online, of course) and could not be more grateful for having come to know you.

    The rules: Share five things you’ve done or seen or made or found in 2021, and encourage others to join in too.

    1. I became active in fandom. I have been lurking on and off for years, but 2021 gave me the motivation to stop lurking and actually interact with others. I have gained so many wonderful friends from coming out of my shell! 

    2. I also started writing, which is something I have wanted to do for years but have always felt like I would not be “good enough”. I started with my first piece of writing, Please (Say Yes)

    3. Which eventually led to my biggest piece of writing…a 67k Drarry fic! I am still in disbelief that I have accomplished such a feat. Everything You Want (is Right in Front of You) is something that I never imagined I could write. It may not be the best or the most profound piece…but it is mine, and for that I am extremely proud.

    4. I have begun to podfic! Who would have thought!? Some of my favorites thus far have been: Wine Red by @zoupia and Manna by @vukovich.

    5. Finally, I started believing in myself and my ability to create. And I do believe, despite everything going on in the world and in fandom right now, that I have my online community to thank for it. For those of you who have been there for me throughout it all…you know who you are. Thank you, my darlings. I love you!

    I am tagging anyone who sees this and feels like making their own list. 

  • What a lovely list!! I’m so happy you came to join us this past year Em <3

  • pato-roldnart:
“It’s not just you…
I drew this for @drarrily-we-row-along for her drabble Confess. Every single thing she writes is so nice to read, and I just wanted to thank her for such nice work 🥺. I hope you like it 🙈
I can’t express with...
“It’s not just you…
I drew this for @drarrily-we-row-along for her drabble Confess. Every single thing she writes is so nice to read, and I just wanted to thank her for such nice work 🥺. I hope you like it 🙈
I can’t express with...
  • It’s not just you…


    I drew this for @drarrily-we-row-along for her drabble  Confess. Every single thing she writes is so nice to read, and I just wanted to thank her for such nice work 🥺. I hope you like it 🙈

    I can’t express with words just how much I like your writing, so pls have this 

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    Full ver sion where it could be seen that Draco is the one who cast a Patronus charm

  • sent a message

    Would you maybe draw chibi drarry on the hogsmeade date Draco asked harry out on please ❤️😬

  • After this

  • "I want a boyfriend," no you want to pin a boy to a wall with a dagger to his throat, don't settle for less.

  • ricochet

    rated M | warning for off-screen gun violence, and hearing loss | 396 words | thank you @the-starryknight for your love on this one 💕

    Who next? Draco signs.

    Greenway, Harry replies. In Magical Creatures, Kingsley discovered he’s been altering the Wolfsbane, you know how they only allow it to come from the Ministry now. Fatal.

    Harry’s fingers are familiar with signing now; Draco insisted they learn when they found out the hard way not to trust a Silencing charm. Then a rogue Bombarda in Milan wrecked Draco’s entire right eardrum and part of his left, so signing became something close to necessity anyway.

    Bastard. Draco’s mouth twists as he picks at the ratty hotel duvet, and Harry wonders if Draco knew this is where he would end up when he took refuge in the Order. Seven years later and still fighting a war, with a Mark on his arm that he never wanted. Harry tries to look at it sometimes, but Draco never lets him, even when he’s stripped to the skin and pretty as a pearl under Harry’s hands.

    “Why?” Harry had asked once, pulling away from pale, sweat-slick skin so Draco could read his lips. “Why won’t you let me look?”

    “I don’t want you to think I’m bad,” Draco replied aloud.

    I watched you blow a man’s brains out with a handgun yesterday, Harry wanted to tell him, but instead he just kissed the vulnerable spot under Draco’s ear and said, “You’re the best man I know.”

    A loud snap pulls Harry back to the present. Focus, Draco signs, his motions sharp in the way that means he’s terrified. Losing focus means losing your life, in this role they’ve been thrown into, and Harry can see the worry stamped on Draco’s brow.

    I am focused.

    No, Draco says, you’re not. He sighs soundlessly, and Harry stands from the desk chair and sinks down on the hard mattress, his body overlapping Draco’s.

    I love you, Harry signs. Draco tenses– he hates hearing it, especially before a mission. He thinks it’s too final. Harry thinks it’s hopeful. Love, this love, will last beyond either of them.


    Harry doesn’t back down. I love you.

    Harry, Draco signs firmly. His hand dips towards his heart at the end of Harry’s name, a sweetness that he pretends isn’t purposeful.

    I love you.

    Draco cracks, slumping towards Harry. He presses his lips against Harry’s neck, mouthing something silently, but Harry doesn’t need to hear the words to know the truth of them.

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    hot tub holiday (december 14)

    (see all works for my 25 Days of Harry and Draco on tumblr here and Ao3 here! ❤️)

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    &. lilac theme by seyche