Unicode Utilities: BNF-Regex

Unmarked properties are from Unicode V15.1.0; the beta properties are from Unicode V16.0.0β. For more information, see Unicode Utilities Beta.

help | character | properties | confusables | unicode-set | compare-sets | regex | bnf-regex | breaks | transform | bidi | bidi-c | idna | languageid


Modified BNF Pattern

\p{Nd}+ ([[:WB=MB:][:WB=MN:]] \p{Nd}+)?

Underlined Find Values

The <u>35</u> quick brown fox jumped over <u>1.234</u> lazy dogs: <u>1</u>:<u>234</u>.

Random Generation

missing number $root=\p{Nd$$$}+ ([[:WB=MB:][:WB=MN:]] \p{Nd}+)?;

Fonts and Display. If you don't have a good set of Unicode fonts (and modern browser), you may not be able to read some of the characters. Some suggested fonts that you can add for coverage are: Noto Fonts site, Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts, Large, multi-script Unicode fonts. See also: Unicode Display Problems.

Version 3.9; ICU version: 74.1; Unicode/Emoji version: 15.1.0; Unicodeβ version: 16.0.0;