gifset about Fox Mulder of The X Files. gif 1 of 5. Mulder shows up his badge to someone while sitting down. there's an old Google logo in the center of the gif. above the logo, there's a search bar. we can see the words 'Agent Fox Mulder' being typed in real time. above the search bar, there are two buttons: a 'Google search' button and a 'i'm feeling lucky' button.  at the bottom, it's written 'copyright 1997-98 Stanford University'. the main color of the gif and the rest of the gifset is teal.ALT
gif 2 of 5. a gif split in two.   on the left, there is an young Mulder wearing a Knicks jersey. he has his back to the camera, but eventually turns to speak to someone off screen. he has a somewhat smug expression. there is a birthday party hat symbol in the center of the left gif. the number 1961 can be read, also in the center of the left gif. the right gif has a very strong teal tint.  on the right, there is adult Mulder. he also looks smug while talking to someone. he is wearing a Knicks t-shirt, too. there is a compass rose in the center of the right gif. the words 'Chillmark, Martha's Vineyard' can be read, also in the center of the left gif. the left gif is completely teal.ALT
gif 3 of 5. there are 3 shots of Mulder blended together in this gif. one of him looking up at someone on the right. that shot is in color, but has a teal background. on the middle, we can see Mulder tilting his head to call someone to get closer to him. that shot is also in color. on the left, there is a shot of Mulder's profile. that shot is teal.  there is text on the gif. in the middle, there are the letters INFP. there is also circular text that is slowly spinning clockwise. the circular text says 'introverted, intuitive, feeling, perceptive' over and over.ALT
gif 4 of 5. a gif split in two.  on the left, we can see Mulder being hit on the head by a pencil, being ashamed by that and then trying to play it cool, his gaze intense at someone off screen. the gif is teal. there are the silhouettes of three heads interwined together. there is also a text that says '5w4'.  on the left, there is a close up of Mulder with a teal background. he is looking at someone. there is an illustration of the libra constellation in the gif. there is also the word 'libra'.ALT
gif 5 of 5. Mulder puts his suit jacket over his shoulder, looking like a model. the text in the gif says 'he had a nickname at the Academy... spooky Mulder'. while the sentence 'he had a nickname at the academy' is in a basic white font, the words 'spooky Mulder' are in a font that appears to be either bleeding or oozing goo. there is an animated ghost emoji next to his nickname, doing a spin and showing off his tongue in a cheeky manner. end ID.ALT


day three — favorite character

Spooky? Do you think I’m spooky? FOX WILLIAM “SPOOKY” MULDER. (insp + ghost emoji + template)

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 character profile.

[id in alt]