
it's a bisexual blunt, it can both ways

this is a general blog

hi if i've followed you this is my main ^_^ pfp art (matching with noc!!!)

this blog is a work in progress currently!

sideblogs ^_^

they call me 007 0 skills 0 prospects 7 beautiful days of the week to enjoy💞


Pro tip for adulting: being late isn’t a death sentence for 95% of things. All you gotta do is call the moment you realize you’re gonna be late, apologize, and then give another small apology when you get there. The thing people really don’t like about lateness is that it seems like the other person doesn’t value their time, and since calling shows that you value their time, that leaves only the mild inconvenience of waiting a bit for them to deal with


this is 100% true. Calling ahead to let them know you’ll be late is 100000x better than just showing up late without any notice. Everyone has been late before so most of the time they’ll understand being late. Just don’t make a habit of it


I love how all of the Batman villains are like “ah he’s not at the manor, it’s defenseless! and then alfred just racks an AK-47 and is like pull up bitch

Batman’s Villains: The butler will be easy prey!

He’s just an old man…he doesn’t have any of the Batman’s gadgets or training or fighting skills!

Alfred: Oh my you’re right

There’s something else of Master Bruce’s I don’t have as well

(Cocks a shotgun) A CODE AGAINST KILLING


Batman’s Villains: Wayne isn’t here to save you old man!



Alfred is the original “Call an ambulance — but not for me”

@dragonpuppies I spent way too long on this


Bruce: I have a code.

Alfred: And I have a gun.

Bruce: time to remove the guns.

Alfred: good fucking luck.


I’ve peer reviewed @ebonyheartnet’s addition and found that it deserves a reblog.


ok i have seen literally no one else mention this but does anyone else think the fact that discord now lets you customize your profile with full screen animations many of which include flashing is like. a legitimate safety concern. i have seen no one else mention this but this can’t be an issue only i have

like i’m gonna be real i think maybe it’s dangerous and bad that there’s now an option to make your entire screen fill up with bright lights and flashes when you click on a profile and there is literally no way to tell beforehand whether or not someone has one of those enabled. i think this is, in fact, Bad


remember that interviews are not about giving a good and honest first impression that they'll carefully consider. interviews are about saying the special words and phrases they're looking for that give you points and when they tally those up whoever earned the most job points wins

they don't want to "know you" they want you to walk in there and regurgitate everything the job description said

isnt even a joke btw if you're autistic and/or unemployed and nobody taught you this yet i'm really sorry

Infinite in Both Directions

@sketiana // cells undergoing mitosis // neutron stars colliding // 'saturn', sleeping at last // voyager golden records // diagram of an atom // diagram of the solar system // 'a toast to the alchemists', laura giplin // neural stem cells // ciliated ventral epithelium // 'constellations', the oh hellos // jwst deep field // 'singularity', marie howe // heart of the phantom galaxy // 'zephyrus', the oh hellos // apoferritin // aerial view of a forest // a graph me and my project co-chair made to model angle over time of our payload // molybdenum and sulfur atoms // unknown // pillars of creation

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