Current Events

Curated by Unsplash
Capturing news-worthy moments around the globe, from political protests to cultural celebrations, providing photo descriptions for context.
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Current Events

Curated by Unsplash
Capturing news-worthy moments around the globe, from political protests to cultural celebrations, providing photo descriptions for context.
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a bunch of flags that are in front of a building
a white bus parked next to a blue and white sign
a group of people holding rainbow flags in front of a building
a group of people standing on the side of a road
a large group of people sitting on the ground
a group of men standing next to each other
a group of people standing around each other holding orange flags
a group of people standing next to each other
a couple of people walking down a street
a group of people walking down a street
a couple of flags that are on a pole
a group of people walking across a street
a group of people walking down a street holding a flag
a group of people walking down a street with a dog in a cart
a group of people standing on a street holding flags
a group of people walking down a street holding signs
a group of people walking down a street
a group of people standing around a table filled with water bottles
the moon is shining in the dark sky
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Avatar of user Alex Shuper
In collaboration with Alex Shuper
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a bunch of flags that are in front of a building
a large group of people sitting on the ground
a group of men standing next to each other
a couple of people walking down a street
a couple of flags that are on a pole
a group of people walking down a street holding a flag
a group of people standing on a street holding flags
a group of people walking down a street
the moon is shining in the dark sky
a white bus parked next to a blue and white sign
a group of people holding rainbow flags in front of a building
a group of people standing on the side of a road
a group of people standing around each other holding orange flags
a group of people standing next to each other
a group of people walking down a street
a group of people walking across a street
a group of people walking down a street with a dog in a cart
a group of people walking down a street holding signs
a group of people standing around a table filled with water bottles
the sun is setting over the horizon of a tree
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a bunch of flags that are in front of a building
a group of people standing around each other holding orange flags
a couple of people walking down a street
a group of people walking across a street
a group of people walking down a street with a dog in a cart
a group of people walking down a street
the sun is setting over the horizon of a tree
a white bus parked next to a blue and white sign
a large group of people sitting on the ground
a group of men standing next to each other
a group of people walking down a street
a group of people walking down a street holding a flag
a group of people walking down a street holding signs
the moon is shining in the dark sky
a group of people holding rainbow flags in front of a building
a group of people standing on the side of a road
a group of people standing next to each other
a couple of flags that are on a pole
a group of people standing on a street holding flags
a group of people standing around a table filled with water bottles