Ramblings from the Bean

Hi I'm Katie!

🫠talented 🦇book📚keeper💋I will bite 🫦your mom

Pansexual/white/American/thirty something/depressed/anxious (she/they pronouns)

I have a degree in cultural anthropology with minors in history and art, emphasis in indigenous peoples and textiles. I am devoted to making sure trans, bi, and ace/aro people are included in the LGBT/MOGAI community, fixing racial inequality, stopping antisemitism, ableism, and fascism. I am always willing to listen to others to become a better ally

Check out TundraKatieBean.com for all my art info!

My Face, pictures of me

September 13, 2020 9:00 pm

Hey everyone! I try to be pretty consistent with my tagging so you can avoid things you don’t want to see. Here are some to look out for:

  • “Katie is rambling 2k23” is my random text post tag and will update each new year. If you don’t want to see my thoughts or personal stuff block that.
  • “Riddle me this” is what I use for asks I’m answering. Any asks that are rude, invasive, or asking for donation reblogs will be deleted.
  • “Family adventures” is what I use when I’m whining about my family especially when I’m around them on holidays.
  • “I made this!” And “I made this” are art, crafts, cooking etc that I’ve created
  • “Mah Face” is my tag for photos of me, which are pretty rare anymore
  • “Music spam time” is when I’m listening to stuff on spotify/pandora and posting it here
  • There are a series of tags that I’ll call the “katie X-es” series lol that are things like “Katie knits” “Katie reads” “Katie shiny hunts” Katie plays Pokemon” so if there’s something specific I do often that you aren’t interested in seeing or are avoiding spoilers for you can block those
  • If you like the lists I make sometimes those are under their respective game tags and “Katie makes lists
  • I generally try to tag common triggers like racism, body image, disordered eating, addiction talk, gender talk etc

If there’s anything I’m not tagging that you need tagged for trigger or spoilers please let me know!

Current art projects: 

  • Color in Focus, October 2023 - ??, where my patrons vote on which color I’ll focus my art on for the month!
  • Advent Book February 2021-?? a soft book version of an advent calendar! Here’s the announcement of the project on my Patreon

Previous art projects:

  • Visual Dream Journal September 2021- October 2023, also tagged on this blog as “visual dream journal” where I’m doing an art representation of dreams I’ve had. For a full explanation of the project check out my patreon announcement post here
  • August 2020-September 2021 Year of Lyrics A project where I chose one song lyric that I related to and made a 6″x4″ typography piece of it.
  • Pride Roses 2021 with free downloads available here and the originals available for purchase here 
  • If you’re here because of my baby quilt story you can see more of it here and here! I just didn’t want to explode the OP’s notes more than I already had 😅

You can find just my art on my art blog, Website, or Patreon

Like what I’m doing? Buy me a Kofi! Check out my shop or consider a commission!

Helpful links that maybe tumblr won’t break: https://www.tundrakatiebean.com/links

I block blogs I think are bots, people who post a lot of photos/art/content without credit, and people I just don’t want to interact with for whatever reason. Asks that are rude or invasive will be deleted. If you’re asking something in good faith and would like the message to remain private just say so at the beginning of the ask. Please don’t message me condolences about my mom unless we’ve talked before.

June 20, 2024 3:22 pm

I am so tempted to take an edible today but I really shouldn’t. Being an adult is stupid. Maybe tomorrow night? Or Saturday …

1:42 pm


Got to just hang outside for a bit to do some sticker prep since it was nice today

1:40 pm


Having someone match your wit or your weirdness without hesitation is actually so fucking comforting and fun.

(via rsaccountonhere)

1:25 pm 1:14 pm


You will get farther in one week paying close, nonjudgmental attention to the unmet needs underlying your “bad” behavior than you will in a year of punishing yourself and demanding you become a different person. I’m right shut up.

(via ghostsinthecellar)

12:24 pm 12:04 pm


i feel like if you’re looking for something that has very strict immutable rules that do not budge, you are looking for a group sport, video game, or perhaps a tabletop game, or board game. you are not looking for matters of identity, like gayness, lesbianism, bi/pansexuality, transsexuality, transgenderism, non binaryhood, aromanticism, asexuality, and any other queer identity, for that matter. identity is not rigid, it is not a set of rules, it is a thought cloud of loosely connected concepts, but it is not a set of immutable rules that must be followed religiously or else you’re doing it wrong.

(via ghostsinthecellar)

12:04 pm


“i’ll get to this when i’m not exhausted” she keeps saying, as if the last time that was true wasn’t several years ago.

(via ghostsinthecellar)

12:00 pm 7:40 am


Hey. Hey you. The person aimlessly scrolling, stuck in an immobilized standoff with your brain

It’s not your fault. You won’t be stuck forever. I know you’re trying. I know you hate it. It’s ok.

And tell the Mean Voice in your head that it’s not helping. It knows as well as you do that you would get up and Just Start the task if you could. You’re not doing this on purpose.

Take a deep breath. Relax your jaw. I see you trying so hard to break out of it, but you can’t force it. You’ll get Unstuck eventually. All you can do in the interim is be kind to yourself.

(via skye-blacke)