Trae Dorn Is (Probably) A Person

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


So this is me, yet again, plugging my novels. Because if I don't, who will?

Want to read some fun, queer contemporary fantasy books? Try the Mia Graves books! There are currently two books out in the series, The Witch and the Rose and Bloody Damn Rite.

Start with The Witch and the Rose, which has Witchcraft and Ghosts while Mia deals with trauma and Riley makes bad life decisions!

Then read the sequel, Bloody Damn Rite, which has Witchcraft and Vampires while Mia deals with trauma and Riley makes bad life decisions!

And yes, they both probably need a lot of therapy.

Start your adventure now!

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Also, if you've read either or my books and liked them, please consider writing a review on Goodreads or Storygraph or Amazon? It really helps.




I have made you a chart. A very simple chart.

People say "You have to draw the line somewhere, and Biden has crossed it-" and my response is "Trump has crossed way more lines than Biden".

These categories are based off of actual policy enacted by both of these men while they were in office.

If the ONLY LINE YOU CARE ABOUT is line 12, you have an incredible amount of privilege, AND YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS. You obviously have nothing to fear from a Trump presidency, and you do not give a fuck if a ceasefire actually occurs. You are obviously fine if your queer, disabled, and marginalized loved ones are hurt. You clearly don't care about the status of American democracy, which Trump has openly stated he plans to destroy on day 1 he is in office.


if you want to vote for a third party, what you are going to do is vote for biden in november 2024 and then as soon as that’s done, start trying to get ranked choice voting in your state

we will ALWAYS be a two party system until voting reform happens, and voting reform won’t happen if project 2025 happens.

suck it up and vote biden, then put the next four years to good use




Honestly, even the shared check on Line 12 is misleading, because where Trump's stated goal with regards to Gaza is for Israel to "finish the job", Biden is one of the only American Presidents in my lifetime to threaten limiting Military Aid to Israel. Even by the one apparent metric some folks claim to care about, Biden is obviously the better choice.


united states FDA announces recall of Gay Awakening well as hundreds of other canned coffees from over 100 different roasters, sold nationwide in stores and online.

snapchill LLC is recalling ALL of their canned coffees because of unsafe manufacturing processes resulting in potential contamination that can cause botulism.

botulism is one of those major bummer types of food poisoning where you can have a really miserable few days, and then die. especially without emergency medical care. most people exposed will not get sick, but among those that do, shit gets bad. if you think you might have botulism, you have to go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

some of the early symptoms are weakness, tiredness, drooping eyelids, dry mouth, and difficulty speaking. that weakness and paralysis eventually moves onto the organs and muscles that keep the body alive. symptoms of botulism usually show up within a day or two after exposure, but can take up to 10 days to kick in.

this type of contamination and poisoning often happens as a result of unsafe canning practices, and basically rule #1 when starting a canning business is "do not give people botulism." botulism can be a lot of why eating canned food from damaged cans can be really dangerous.

worth noting that the FDA says no cases of botulism have been tied to this recall yet.

No illnesses have been reported to-date, and Snapchill is not aware of any instances in which the company’s products contained botulin toxin. Snapchill is working on filing the appropriate notification with FDA.

so the manufacturer realized they were canning coffee in a way that might kill people. you still want to take this seriously.

Consumers should either destroy the products or return the product to Snapchill or the place of purchase for a refund. Snapchill will offer full refunds for any of these products, with appropriate proof of purchase including a picture of the product(s) before being destroyed. Full information about the return and refund will be available at [email protected].

below the cut is the entire list of recalled products, including gay awakening drag bean coffee. and holy shit is it LONG. if you drink canned coffee in the united states or know someone who does, check this list or the list offered by the FDA link above.

lot of interesting names here. at the very least this recall is happening before anyone apparently got sick. try not to be the first. and if you think you or someone you know may have gotten botulism from any of these coffees, make sure you report it to the FDA.

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if you live in the united states and have canned coffee, you might also have botulism waiting to strike. check the list and stay safe.

it is really important to know that this was not the fault of the coffee companies. the canning company, snapchill, fucked things up for absolutely everyone here.

Anonymous asked:

Something that I've noticed is that in the time I've been aware of politics, I've never seen that many people who perpetually post online who actually put their money where their mouth is when it comes to anything even REMOTELY revolutionary.

How many people on social media ACTUALLY take part in protests?

How many people actually RISK their own lives fighting to protect people from police brutality or union busting?

How many people post about guillotines, killing and eating the rich and all that jazz, but ever actually even ATTEMPT to do those things?

From what I've seen, far far LESS than the sheer amount of boasting and kicking other people down who actually try to do something about it. Who actually take part in local councils and politics to try to change SOMETHING, who actually do the most simple minimum task of voting to try to use what little leverage they have.

It's all talk and no walk, all preening and purity nonsense with no substance. And they get extremely offended when one points that out to them, or actually expects them to actually get their hands dirty to achieve ANYTHING.

This predates online communities if you’ve spent any time in activist spaces. I’ve met plenty of dudes who talked like that in real life, but when it’s time to walk the walk they’re nowhere to be seen. Like if you’ve ever joined a college progressives organization you’re certain to meet a bunch for sure (along with a lot of people trying to do actual stuff – but there’s always that guy that only the freshmen are impressed by).

And that’s not even getting started on the ones who don’t even join those groups because they claim they’re “working with the system instead of trying to take it down” or something similar. They want to feel like revolutionaries, but it’s just a fantasy – and they’re never prepared for when reality comes knocking.

I’ll admit in my middle-age I don’t make it out to protests anymore like I did in my twenties. But I do what I can, and I definitely would never discourage anyone from doing what they can.

Which is, frankly, vote.



[Image ID: Screencap from unspecified website in dark mode. Text reads:

"After that that stupid thing from Bezos and Musk about how a trillion humans would mean a thousand Mozarts, it got me thinking.

We clearly must have Mozarts today, and at least a couple of them probably got the same upbringing he did to nurture their skill and talent, and we would therefore have:

  • a musician of significant talent, dedication and skill,
  • who can write music across a bunch of different contemporary genres,
  • who explicitly draws from the work of other musicians to build their style, and
  • who is willing to do the musical equivalent of shitposting and wear fancy outfits while doing it.

I can only conclude that the modern-day Mozart is Weird Al Yankovic.

I will not be taking questions."

Followed by: a portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and a photograph of Weird Al Yankovic, in similar 3/4 poses with similar eyebrow-raised and smiling expressions. End ID.]


If you've listened to "Hardware Store" this isn't even a little bit surprising.


I dunno dude/ttes, I mean. He's weird but Primus is right there.


I dunno, last time I checked Primus sucks. 😉



[Image ID: Screencap from unspecified website in dark mode. Text reads:

"After that that stupid thing from Bezos and Musk about how a trillion humans would mean a thousand Mozarts, it got me thinking.

We clearly must have Mozarts today, and at least a couple of them probably got the same upbringing he did to nurture their skill and talent, and we would therefore have:

  • a musician of significant talent, dedication and skill,
  • who can write music across a bunch of different contemporary genres,
  • who explicitly draws from the work of other musicians to build their style, and
  • who is willing to do the musical equivalent of shitposting and wear fancy outfits while doing it.

I can only conclude that the modern-day Mozart is Weird Al Yankovic.

I will not be taking questions."

Followed by: a portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and a photograph of Weird Al Yankovic, in similar 3/4 poses with similar eyebrow-raised and smiling expressions. End ID.]


If you’ve listened to “Hardware Store” this isn’t even a little bit surprising.


It's really fucked up when you treat characters like people and people like characters.


No seriously it's REALLY fucked up when you treat characters as if they were real live people while you treat people like they're just characters.


I'm gonna go ahead and repeat: it is super, duper, extra scooper fucked up when you treat a character as if it were a living person while treating other human beings like they are merely characters.



So this is me, yet again, plugging my novels. Because if I don't, who will?

Want to read some fun, queer contemporary fantasy books? Try the Mia Graves books! There are currently two books out in the series, The Witch and the Rose and Bloody Damn Rite.

Start with The Witch and the Rose, which has Witchcraft and Ghosts while Mia deals with trauma and Riley makes bad life decisions!

Then read the sequel, Bloody Damn Rite, which has Witchcraft and Vampires while Mia deals with trauma and Riley makes bad life decisions!

And yes, they both probably need a lot of therapy.

Start your adventure now!

Keep reading


Also, if you've read either or my books and liked them, please consider writing a review on Goodreads or Storygraph or Amazon? It really helps.