
Myths & Truths
Can I Restore My Deleted Blog

You can’t restore a deleted blog. However, you may be able to reclaim your tumblr URL. Once your blog is deleted, it’s permanent. This means that posts reblogged or originally uploaded to the blog are also gone. Getting your old URL back is a good alternative. Especially for blogs with a strong brand presence.

Retrieving an old URL depends on how long ago you deleted your blog and the popularity of the URL. Most blogs that have not been logged into for longer than 1 year are up for grabs. Even if the blog has been posting.

You can check if your old URL is available by searching the address on your browser. If you see this screen, there may be hope.


If not, there’s a chance the blog has been inactive but not deleted. In which case, you may be able to reclaim the URL. Try creating a new Tumblr account with your old URL. If you already have a primary blog, try creating a new side blog using your old URL. If the URL is not available, you’ll receive this message.


Since Tumblr Staff cannot contact users to retrieve URLs, you’ll have to start over with a new blog.


(Source: tips)

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