
Pro Tips
Stop Stealing My Art!

Everyone has their own definition of art theft. For some people, it’s only when you screenshot art and repost it without credit. While other people consider using their art as a header without permission theft.

There’s no guaranteed way to prevent people from stealing your art. But there are ways to deter people.

Put a notice in your bio

Putting a simple line in your bio asking people not to repost without credit goes a long way. People may not know it’s your original art and assume it’s okay to repost. While it won’t stop everyone, it lets people know where you stand.

Turn on asks

An open line of communication makes it easier for people to message you about using your work. You may be more inclined to let someone use your art if it’s just for an avatar or a header.

Source your posts.

Sourcing your work tells people it’s your original content. It also shows up as a link to your blog if your post is embedded to other sites.

Watermark your posts

It’s tricky to do a watermark well without ruining your art. However, placing it somewhere close to the center at a low opacity makes cropping it out harder for thieves. Consider using “” or “@yourusername”.


(Source: tips)

  1. clouds-of-wings reblogged this from tips and added:
    Watermark, watermark, WATERMARK. That's the most important way. Most people don't steal with ill intentions, they simply...
  2. direbeastrex reblogged this from tips
  3. rileyhollett reblogged this from tips and added:
    I notice some have copied my comments. I was told this was fine because once I post it is is in the pubic domain. If I...
  4. tips posted this
    PRO-009...Pro Tips...Stop Stealing My Art!