
Saying Hi — From Super Public To Super Private

Messaging tools on Tumblr have a range of privacy. Knowing how publicly you want to say something is sometimes as important as the message. If you’re shy, you might want to ask something anonymously. Or if you want to connect with your followers, you could hold a public Q&A. Here’s a privacy scale of saying hi.

Super Public

  • Ask box [off anon]: Sending an ask without clicking “ask anonymously” means the person can reply to your message publicly on their blog. Everyone can see your blog name and your message.
  • Submit [off anon]: Similar to the ask box. Only now with ✨submissions✨


  • Reblogging with a comment: Reblogging a post with a comment shows it to your followers. Your blog name and comment also shows up in the notes section of the post.
  • Replying in the post: Replying in a post shows your blog name and comment. However, replies remain only in the notes section of the post.

🔒 Super Private

  • DMs: Relatively private since DM[ab]s are only between you and another blog. However, your blog name is visible and screenshotting exists. [ac]
  • Ask [anon]: The Holy Grail of private messaging. Clicking “ask anonymously” hides your blog name on the message. People who don’t have Tumblr can also ask anonymously.
  • *remember the question is public, you’re anonymous.*


(Source: tips)

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