It's Gonna Be Fantastic
jenny .. in her 30s and okay with it .. billie lover .. rose defender .. doctor & rose shipper .. tentoo protector .. tennant appreciator .. tall dude aficionado .. gorgeous ladies enthusiast

2 weeks ago
On 17 Jun '24





the way sesame street, a pbs puppet show for literal babies, is pressing on with pride content despite vitriolic monsters descending on every post to insinuate they’re pedophiles or demons while some of the biggest companies on the planet who could swim in olympic swimming pools of money like scrooge mcduck on steroids buckle and cave just emphasizes how completely and utterly pathetic these corporations are. they’d butcher a baby if it meant saving a penny.

A tweet by the sesame Street account posted June 23rd 2023, with the caption "celebrating trans people today and every day #pridemonth" with an image that reads the same featuring a fuzzy heart with the trans flag colors on itALT

where Starbucks and Target and Budweiser will be bullied into submission with the slightest push, puppets and people in your neighborhood stand tall

Sesame Workshop has been doing pride stuff since 2017. The Muppet Wiki has a nice list of stuff they’ve done:


Jim Henson supported his openly queer colleagues in the 1970s! The Muppet performer Richard Hunt was majorly influential on Sesame Street, the Muppet Show, and Fraggle Rock.

They also dumped Chick-fil-A in 2012 when CFA made their stance on gay marriage known.

It would be a dishonor to their memories for the Jim Henson Company to kowtow to queerphobic demands when their namesake always stood for diversity and acceptance of everyone, and it makes me proud to be a Muppet fan to see that insisted upon 💖🌈

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    the way sesame street, a pbs puppet show for literal babies, is pressing on with pride content despite vitriolic...