
"Did you mask before COVID??"  No bc COVID (pandemic) didn't exist yet lol  But if I had known that masks work as effectively as they do, I would have worn one.  As with most things, as you learn more, you do better. That's how life works (for people who care about doing better)  — Salamāsina (she/her) (@salamasinamusic) April 21, 2024ALT

Funny how people told me that "adults change their minds based on new information" my whole life only for me to watch everyone go "back to normal" in the face of an ongoing gobal pandemic. You are not wrong. Stay safe out there. Mask up.

I was immunocompromised before COVID and was forbidden by every employer to mask every time I asked, each and every flu season.

"It'll upset the customers."

"People won't understand you."

"You don't need to wear a mask."

"We're not in Asia."

"You should work somewhere else."

"Just stay home if you're sick."

Now masking is straight-up illegal in some places because not only does masking work, it stymies the spread of COVID as a weapon of eugenics and the surveillance state so fascists swiftly moved to condemn masking and to formally ban in where they could beginning in 2022.

(me, my parents, my sister, and the baby are sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch)

baby, pointing at the light fixture over the table and signing "on": o.*

my sister: we actually can't turn that light on right now, because the lightbulb inside is burnt out! it needs a new one.

baby: ighbu.

sister: yes, lightbulb! granddaddy said after we eat he's going to climb up there on a ladder and change it, and then the light will come on!

baby: gadada! adda, uuu! ighbu o!

sister: exactly!

baby, signing "on" and pointing at the light and then my dad, with increasing urgency: GADADA ADDA UUUU. O.

my sister: we're going to finish eating first though, ok?

baby: nonono. O. gadada adda uuu.

[a split second goes by]

baby, pointing to himself: ba. adda uuu. ighbu.

me: you're going to climb the ladder and change the lightbulb yourself?

baby: dzyeah. *pointing to the buckle where he is buckled into the high chair* ububu.

me: unbuckle you? so you can change the lightbulb?

baby, highly businesslike: dzyeah.

*pronounced like "on" without the n


it is both interpersonally valuable and politically necessary to decouple transfeminine beauty from thinness, and to investigate the roots of these sentiments and what larger phenomena animate them.


sorry I can word this like an "actual tumblr post"

every time you make a joke about Lanky Trans Girl Stereotype and her Waifish Boyish Frame an angel loses her wings and a beautiful fat trans woman you know trusts you less.


In New Horizons, if the game can't load an NPC due to their referenced model name being invalid, or for other reasons, the game will instead load a naked, unnamed Bob in their place as a failsafe. This was likely a dummy NPC used for testing reasons.

I sent a letter today - something I haven’t done for years


It’s full of plastic bread clips


It’s for Science

At the risk of loosing some mystery, I think I should add some context:


There’s this website-I mean, scientific organization called the Holotypic Occlupanid Reasurch Group.


They are a group of abiologists who study and classify Bread clips.

I found a species that has not yet been described:


Yay for citizen science 👍

Apparently HORG is widely appreciated by pediatricians since knowing exactly what kind of Occlupanid a child may have swallowed makes removing it safely much easier

IIRC this is actually part of the reason HORG was started. A man swallowed a breadclip and the clip closed around part of his tissue linings (in his intestines I think?). The specific shape and flexibility of the clip were significant determining factors in the removal process, as some bread clips have spikes and prongs that would have made extraction more complicated. They started the taxonomy so they could work out extraction techniques for each type.

are you fucking kidding me occlu like oculus or close and panid like bread. its a fancy word for breadcloser

happy very specific archive thursday, everyone

My loves!!! Bread (and milk!!) tags
