We Do Bones, Motherfucker.

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

One thing that is often overlooked with federal student loan forgiveness is that for every outstanding loan, the federal government is giving taxpayer money to a massive private fintech contractor to service that loan. It actively costs the government money to have loans outstanding. It is more expensive for the government to have someone who is on a low or no-pay income driven plan sit on that debt for 20 years than it would be to just forgive it outright today.

So like. Your tax dollars could go to relieving the debt burden of some struggling millennial OR they can line the pockets of Aidvantage’s CEO, but that money is being spent either way.

servicing contracts are so so huge Servicing that many loans costs the government a lot of money and it will KEEP costing the government a lot of money ongoing where forgiving debt is writing off money that is already spent. STOP BANKROLLING STUDENT LOAN SERVICERS TO SPITE THE POOR

we're in this catch-22 of "it's totally okay to mock afab trans people because they're cringy and women-lite" and "we have to protect afab trans people because they are women-lite and soft and pathetic and defenseless." and it makes me want to scream my fucking head off i'm not even afab and i'm tired of the absolute clownery and torture folks put these people through. enough is enough, if folks aren't bending over backwards to find reasons to exclude amab queer people, they're finding every reason under the sun to mock, belittle, hate and infantilize afab trans people because of their refusal to let go of misogyny.

y'all treat ALL parts of the sex binary like shit and enough is enough you can't sit here and hate someone for their agab if you're in the queer community. regardless of your reason. there IS no good reason to hate or mock someone because of their agab. let go of the binary for the love of god and stop giving afab trans people shit because you can't let go of your misogyny and you think it's a-okay to bully them because they're women in your eyes. like cut it the fuck out this shit is transparent as day i'm sick of it.

if i as an intersex person have to step in to defend agabs that aren't even mine, y'all are failing each other tremendously. do better.

if I never have to hear someone disparagingly say 'theyfab' again it'll be too fucking soon

i just got here but sincerely what is wrong with dorian pavus. he’s a necromancer. he helped invent time travel with his phd supervisor; this is never touched upon again. he comes out to you in front of his homophobic dad by going “sex. with men. ever heard of it”. he’s canonically so good at magic that he can keep up with god in conversation about it. constantly complains about the weather and all while he has one tit out at all times. his backstory is that he’s simultaneously a delinquent and a girlboss. he’s an alcoholic. his facial hair is completely fucking indefensible. h



he needs to stop being funnier than me on my own post



Could Lord Havelock Vetinari solve the Kira murders?

Could catch Kira, would survive

Could not catch Kira, would survive

Could catch Kira, would not survive

Could not catch Kira, would not survive


I will say, things have never run smoother than with Lord Vetinari around. I'm almost sad to see him go... Well, regardless, it seems that Lord Havelock Vetinari could catch Kira and survive, quite handily as well. ...I mentioned being sad to see him go, but it was rather difficult to see him even enter or leave, sometimes. A man with a cane has no business being so skilled in stealth and camouflage - it's as if he's a trained assassin, or something. I must be imagining it...


Vetinari putting Light in charge of the sewers is the most beautiful plot I can imagine


There's one other possibility I can see.

Light, for all his scheming, is a teenager, and therefore if he's stupid enough to start trying to be Kira in Ankh-Morpork, it's also possible that he's stupid enough not to realize that getting rid of Lord Vetinari is an extremely bad idea. Therefore, there is a scenario in which one of the names of criminals who have escaped justice in Kira's very first batch of victims is a man who publicly admitted to treason and then weaseled out of it completely scot-free at the trial, one Havelock Vetinari.

However, from the other side, this scenario appears as follows:

Lord Vetinari is doing some of the immense amounts of paperwork required to keep Ankh-Morpork from descending into even more bedlam than usual for another day. He suddenly experiences intense chest pain. He collapses at his desk. He remembers that he has so much paperwork to do. He sits back up and gets back to work.

It takes several hours before even Vetinari himself notices that he's a zombie now.


vetinari hands vimes the death note, not because he thinks it'll give vimes a moment's moral indecision but because he wants to see the face vimes makes. like obviously he sets it on fire immediately. but right before then he is going to make SUCH a face and vetinari couldn't resist finding out exactly what ratio of absolute horror to defiant self-righteousness happens.

bold of you to assume Kira can get more than one murder off before getting either a Gentle But Firm Talking To from Death or invoking the Wrath of Susan

“Omg dungeons menshi is so good! The characters and the worldbuilding and the art and the hu—“

It’s because the author had TWO MONTHS between publications instead of the usual week. 8X the amount of time to plot her story and see where she had been and where she was going and figure out how best to get there. Imagine if this was the industry standard instead of the crushing gears of weekly publication which grinds the minds, bodys, and souls of mangaka to dust until there is nothing left. Imagine Dungeon Menshi qualify manga as a rule not the exception. Imagine stories that did not destroy their creators. Imagine—

I think DM was monthly not bimonthly BUT shounen jump fucking kills people Exhibit A Yoshihiro Togashi HunterxHunter is. oh boy. anyway.

I am so glad that the word blorbos exists now. It’s so much more evocative and accurate than “comfort character”. Like, they’re different things. He doesn’t bring me comfort, he makes my hands itchy and I want to polish him with pledge. I want to put him in a Pringle’s tube and shake him. I want to brush his hair and put little shoes on him like a Bratz doll. That’s a blorbo.

it is important to have some made up guys to blorbate does a soul good

desert creature on the phone: it's not that hot today it's like a comfortable 104 (degrees Fahrenheit; 40 in Celsius) !

me (snow creature from snow land): there is no such thing

help settle a disagreement

YES there can be a comfortable 104 F/40 C with favorable humidity and wind chill

NO it can never be comfortable at 104 F/40 C that is always too hot

no nuance you must pick one

if it is DRY and BREEZY it can be fine if it's Really Windy it's like walking around in a blast furnace; if there is even a lick of humidity it is El Swamp-Ass Diablo I did a few zoo camps with the kids outside at 104 and it was fine as long as we did not go inside the trick is to START outside in the early AM when it's 75-80 and never ever go into AC AirCon is the acclimation killer. it is the little death that means you are now Done with outside for today.

The only good thing about long COVID is that it made the medical community admit myalgic encephalomyelitis is likely caused my viral exposure. We were like “Hey, I had a virus and just never got better.” and doctors were like “That’s silly. And stupid. Chronic fatigue syndrome is just a random vague constellation of symptoms. Or just depression. It’s all in your head.” and now doctors are experiencing it.


I hoped COVID would have helped people understand that a viral illness isn’t “just a virus”, it can irreversibly wreck your health and ruin your quality of life, cause permanent damage to your body, make you more likely to develop cancer and yes, cause chronic fatigue syndrome. But no. The public is still downplaying it. If you’re not dead, you’re fine.


Or its "Why have so few people returned to the workforce, where did they go? Huh. A mystery."

They're too ill to work anymore or they're caring for loved ones who are to ill to work anymore. And that's not even counting how many people have died.


I still can't believe that the idea of "I got sick and never got better" was such a hard thing for people to wrap their heads around, because like. If you read ANY historical stuff, even fiction, the idea of invalids crops up EVERYWHERE. "My mom/sibling/aunt/grandparent has been ill ever since the winter fever" sort of thing is all over the place. Poor people who are desperately trying to care for a relative or friend who is bedridden/can't work. Kids who got a fever or illness as toddlers and ended up disabled. This stuff was so so so common. And I guess people thought that just... stopped happening? Like yeah we got much better medicine and better nutrition so people are much more able to fight off illness... but that doesn't mean it CAN'T happen.

I guess people assumed that was only a thing that happened in old-timey eras, just like racism "was over" after the Civil Rights movement. 🙄


People thought it stopped happening so hard that infectious disease was broadly considered to be a solved problem in public health for wealthy nations for about thirty years, right up until the AIDS crisis hit and knocked the global community into a tailspin. I've personally met some of the people who were trained during that period talk about how it spurred the careers of people working in infectious disease. (It's one of the fields I really enjoy and would have liked to go into if I hadn't been following the siren calling of behavior, and it was where my college roommate went for her doctorate; she got to work on Nipah for her thesis work!)

The history of our views on infectious disease and understanding of infectious disease as a real threat—and indeed our understanding of medicine as something that could meaningfully ensure that our children nearly always grow to maturity—is a really interesting one and worth digging into a little.

thinking back to how I got really really really sick with Epstein-Barr in high school and have been mononucleosos tired ever since also I think Swine Flu triggered my narcolepsy